Lower Body exercising

So im just wanting some input on some lower body (mostly thighs, glutes, calves, butt) types of exercises. Ive gotten into exercising my upper body at least 2-3 times a week and have just been doing cardio for my lower body but ive been wanting to implement lower body strength training as well. Ive been looking online and reading through others posts but of all places I found some actual lower body exercise regimes on Pinterest but wanted to get everyone elses input on doing exercises found on there. Im still farely new to all the strength training and was quite wanting to use the machines and just wanted to do some exercises for my lower body with my own body weight to start out and build up my strength. The one that I wanted to start alternating with my upper body is:

30 jumping jacks
20 lunges
10 squats
20 side lunges
20 glute kickbacks
15 short bridges
10 side lef circles (each leg)
20 glute kickbacks
15 squats
10 plie squats
20 jumping jacks

Thank you for all your input it is greatly appreciated :)


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    It's a decent start. The 3 basic lower body movements are squats, lunges, and deadlifts. I recommend watching "how to" vids on Youtube for all of them, and also the side lunge, which is easy to screw up. Try to video yourself doing them.

    The kickbacks, leg circles, and bridges are pointless with lunges & deadlifts, which are way more effective. I'd also replace plie squats with sumo squats, which are more functional.

    Whenever 15 reps of an exercise is no longer challenging, it's time to add weight. After 1-2 months, reduce that to 10-12 reps. Keep it challenging!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    do you have a gym with a power cage or sqaut rack? you could be more efficient by doing compound lifts like barbell squats, deadlifts, bench press, barbell row, overhead press and getting some instruction on hang cleans.

    full body workout in less the time in what you're spending now on the donkey kicks and arm swings or whatever
  • nicolecharvel21
    nicolecharvel21 Posts: 40 Member
    do you have a gym with a power cage or sqaut rack? you could be more efficient by doing compound lifts like barbell squats, deadlifts, bench press, barbell row, overhead press and getting some instruction on hang cleans.

    full body workout in less the time in what you're spending now on the donkey kicks and arm swings or whatever

    My gym does have a squat rack but there is only 1 and it is always being used by the guys. Being a newbie and a girl its kinda intimidating especially since Im kinda unsure how to use it. Its more my comfort zone to just do squats, lunges etc. on my own at my own pace and not feel rushed. I do use the other leg machines i try at least 1-2 times a week such as the leg press, inner and outer thigh machine those types of things.