Rolled Ankle Injury question...

Last weekend (Saturday to be exact) I was walking the doggies and wasn't paying attention and rolled my ankle right off the sidewalk and took a tumble forward down the hill. Aside from an achey ankle and a few scrapes, bumps and bruises I was ok and was able to walk and exercise as usual on said ankle the rest of the day however later in the day I still put some ice on it as a precaution.
The next day it swole up...I thought that was weird because it didn't hurt at all, but was swollen. Then the swelling went down, but now today, 5 days later, it hurts like heck, but is not swollen or visably bruised or anything???

Is this usual? Should I be concerned? Or just keep taking it easy? Any thoughts, suggestions or insight?


  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    My rule of thumb for any ankle or knee injury is that after a week of icing, elevating, and taking ibuprofen, if I still hurt, I go to the doctor.
  • Speaking as a non-medical professional who used to play volleyball, you might want to see a doctor.

    I got a grade one sprain in my ankle during warm ups (tie your shoes everyone!), and then proceeded to ignore sound advice to either use crutches or stay off it. What I have now is that although my left ankle (the rolled one) is healed fairly nicely, the *right* one now has problems because I put way too much weight on it for too long. I though I was fine because after the first day or so it didn't swell, and although it was kind of tender and I didn't play on it for a around a month, I could walk on it fine. Big mistake. Doctors are there for a reason, so if you have insurance why not use it?
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Go to Urgent Care and get an X-Ray.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Delivered beer for years and rolled my ankles to many times to count I always did rest, elevate, and ice and normally after a few days all was well and had no issues. The one time I had no swelling and no visible issues a week out I ended up going in to get it looked at because I just couldn't put my full weight on it without constant pain and found out that I had a hairline fracture and was in a cast for the next 5 weeks... lol not saying that is your issue just suggesting it might be wise to go get it looked at if you are experiencing pain this far out from a turned ankle.... Best of Luck
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I would recommend getting an xray.
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    Ok...thanks everyone! I'll go get it checked out!