Let's be friends!

Hello! I am a 27yo woman from Portland, Oregon. I just started MFP this week, and I'm looking for friends to connect with. I have about 45lb to lose, and I know from past experience that giving *and* getting support can make all the difference. I'm looking for anybody who wants to share advice, commiseration, and encouragement as we make it happen.

A little about me: I lost 40lb several years ago, and have kept most of it off since then. But, a desk job and live-in boyfriend with the resting metabolic rate of a racehorse have made maintaining that loss a bit more difficult recently, and I've started to see some negative changes over the past couple of years. This time, I want to do better than I did last time. I'm 5'10" and weighed 204 on Monday this week, but my goal is to get to 160 (a weight I last saw, no joke, in about sixth grade).


  • dandelionwish31
    dandelionwish31 Posts: 17 Member
    Very similar goal here :) I also lost 40 pounds before and gained it back. Ready to lose it again! Feel free to add me
  • danielaflores565
    add me as well im 30yr old female with about 35-40 lbs to lose