I look smaller but gained weight.

I've been working at weight loss since the beginning of my summer break in early May. I lost weight for a bit but have plateaued twice. I weigh myself once a week so I don't get caught up in the daily rising and lowering of water weight. Now, I've been stuck at 175 for 3 or 4 weeks in a row but I noticed that, for whatever reason, I always found myself eating heavy the night before my weigh in so I've been assuming that I've still been losing weight but water weight made it seem not so. That is, until I stepped on the scale today. I weighed in at 177. Now, I ate heavy the day before but no heavier than I've been eating before weigh ins in the past. Also, I remember what 177 looks like and I'm definitely smaller than that now. Hell, I see abs poking through the fat at this point. I only ever do cardio and occasional bodyweight training when I'm too tired for cardio so I don't think I've gained muscle. I'm also too small to think I've gained fat. Can water weight really make me jump two pounds? I feel like I'm probably freaking out over nothing but I'd love any and all input.


  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    I feel like I'm probably freaking out over nothing but I'd love any and all input.

    Ignore the scales, take your body fat and vital stats (chest/waist/hip) measurements instead.

    Frankly I couldn't care less what I weigh, for me it is about getting that waist measurement down!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    In the past I got down to my goal weight and went for weeks without losing weight on the scale but I was getting smaller and smaller..i could tell by my jeans.

    Weight loss is weird that way…just keep at it… the scale is a tool..not the final word. It is how you look to the naked eye..and naked..for that matter. lol