Hello, Again

I used to use MFP religiously, and lost 40 lbs back in 2011 tracking my food and really reducing my calories. Since then I've really let myself go. I lost my mom and just gave up for a while. I've realized watching tv in the dark eating ice cream doesn't make me feel better, even though I think it does.
Now I'm back and really want to get my life into a different place.

I weigh way too much, but mostly I want to focus on exercise this time. I feel like the last few times I started trying to lose weight, I was trying to get the weight off then go right back to eating nachos and enchiladas and beer. I never thought of it as permanent.

So instead this time I am going to change the way I approach exercise.
An hour a day, 5 days a week, for 3 months is my goal (currently doing P90X).
Once I've established the habit of *moving* I want to bring in the reduced calorie intake part for the actual weight loss.

I still log/monitor my food now (when I don't forget..), but I'm afraid if I go just flip a switch and try to do everything all at once, I'm setting myself up for failure and burn out and a night at the pizza buffet of guilt. Does anyone else feel that way? If so I'd really like your advice on how you overcoming the overwhelming thought of changing everything all at once.


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Log your food, hit your goals, do the workouts and you will have great results!!!!