If you grew up in the 70's...



  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    I vividly remember in first grade (1979) my teacher using masking tape to tape a hyper active kid to his chair as in using it as rope to tie/tape each leg to a chair leg and his arms and torso to the back of the chair.

    That would be front page news today and that teacher would be fired on the spot.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    haha so true, i was a 1973 kid.

    Things i remember from the mid-late 70's and early 80's

    * We had an old volkswagan that had no seatbelts and if you went around the corner too sharp the doors would fly open
    * mom had a Datsun 1600 that the seats were held up by cricket stumps and if you stopped quick they would dig into your back * that same Datsun only had seating for 4 and we piled 10 kids into it and went for a drive up the coast no seatbelts in the back
    * no computers, no walkmans, no CD's
    * Playing outside all day long only coming in for meals
    * If you got hurt it was your own damn fault lol
    * mini firework rockets and cherry bombs that would chase you or would blow up in your hands
    * an open incinerator in everyone's back yard and an above ground swimming pool with no protection.
    * unsafe play equipment at home parks and school
    * no protective gear for sports
    * unsafe toys sold to kids

    And that was just in my town of Adelaide, South Australia lol
  • markiend
    markiend Posts: 461 Member
    It really is a miracle there are any of us Gen-Xers still alive.

    Now I am off to feed my kids their gluten -free cereal with organic milk and berries before slathering them with SPF 45 and strapping on their bicycle helmets so we can go out to play.

    My sister ( same ages as us ) has turned into one of these too ... me being the uncle who gets them all into trouble had to explain their little bit of sun burn :/
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I was born in 78 so i grew up with the playgrounds of the 70s and other school equipment before they made it all cheap plastic and wood chip bedding. Under the monkey-bars in elementary school was rock hard dirt. The again this was before the wimps in the nation decided that recess was too dangerous and everyone was a winner for being able to pick their noses and scratch their *kitten*.