Am I on the right track?

Hi guys, this is my first post here and I'm just curious if you guys could tell me if I'm on the right track to achieve my goal right now.

I've recently let go quite a bit but I started trying to eat better and exercise recently but even then I haven't been very succesful as I tend to eat unhealthy things when out with friends ( especially today). I'm 18 years old and about to go to university in September and I'm trying to get in shape for that.

Anyway, despite all that do you think I will be losing weight doing what I'm doing or should I make some adjustments?

Any form of tip would be helpful.


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Anyway, despite all that do you think I will be losing weight doing what I'm doing or should I make some adjustments?

    And what exactly are you doing? Your diary is not public so I can't comment on that. You haven't mentioned your height or weight or even what your physical goals are. Are you tracking every piece of food that goes into your mouth in your diary? Your views on the healthiness of food are skewed. As long as you are hitting certain macronutrient and micronutrient goals you can basically eat whatever you want.
  • bijank0
    bijank0 Posts: 11
    I just made it public, try checking again. Sorry about that .

    I'm 5'11" and 186 lbs if it doesn't say that. My goal is to be skinny frankly, I don't know if there's an exact weight I want to be but for now it says 165
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Well if your goal is simply to be skinny and you have no concern for muscle definition or lean body mass then it is actually extremely simple. Eat fewer calories than you burn every day. That is literally all you have to do.

    If your goal is to lower your body fat while maintaining muscle mass to increase definition, then it's a bit different. You need to make sure you're eating an adequate amount of protein. The recommended amount for maximum muscle synthesis is a minimum of 0.82g per lb of body weight which in your case would be 152g of protein per day. You also need to start a strength training program focusing on hypertrophy if you haven't already.