Pedometer Peeps

Well I hit my 50lb lost goal a few months ago and since I have gained back about 12 lbs which may not seem like much but it is a big set back since I could be so much closer to my ultimate goal if it weren't me losing focus. Today I have eaten too much junk already but I did work out and I have been drinking water like crazy. When I started this journey I did small changes along the way and now I really want to get it together again. The first thing I want to do is fine me some "Pedometer Peeps" to friend me so we can check in with our steps during the day on our status to keep each other motivate to reach the minimum of 10K steps a day and then maybe bump it up a bit. This is my new step one just getting back active so if you would like to help me out while I help you then let's be friends :)


  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I have a pedometer and when I am not working out, I am super lazy, so this sounds like it could be really good for me.
  • monoxidechick
    I had one at one time, and it really motivated me to keep moving through the day. I will have to get myself a new one. This sounds like a great way to motivate this time between workouts and during the day. I will add you and maybe you can remind me to get my pedometer and get the steps going!!
  • billylindsay
    billylindsay Posts: 102 Member
    Its the bike for me all summer outside now the weather ha changed in side for at least an hour 25k and over is the target daily MFP coupled with mapmyride gives me all the inspiration I need plus the weight loss. Keep in there.
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    I need to get a new pedometer quick, I used mine yesterday (the one you can stick in your pants pocket, and I love it), and I threw the pants in the washer right after. It's ruined. Water is gurgling around in between the face and the clear plastic face cover. Darn!!!! I loved it because it would re-set every morning and track steps, aerobic steps, miles walked, and calories burned.