I can feel myself slipping...



  • sarahtiano
    sarahtiano Posts: 78 Member
    you can do this. we all have times that we slip up. the best part is that you are acknowledging that you aren't doing as well as you want. use that as motivation! we are all here to support you. i know tests and finals can be stressful, but remember to take time for yourself. i like to exercise for study breaks.. it gets my body and mind moving. just remember YOU CAN DO THIS. you have already come so far and you're going to go farther. if there is anything we can do to help you, let us know!

  • chocolatnoir
    chocolatnoir Posts: 182 Member
    There are a lot of things in life we don't have control over- but what we eat and how much we exercise usually are within our control. The last time I was in a similar stressed out situation (academically) was when I was studying for the CA Bar exam. At the time, even though I pretty much studied from 8am-11pm with only breaks for lunch and dinner- I chose to eat healthy food most of the time and treat myself to some dark chocolate in the evening. I also started out the day with just 30-40 minutes on the treadmill. I think it made my head clearer and helped me to stay sane- the CA bar exam has a notoriously low pass rate- around 50%, which is terrifying. And my boyfriend at the time decided to break my heart right when all this was going on. I lost weight by the end of my crazy 3 months of studying and passed the bar.

    I'm trying to have that same focus and determination now :)

    So, you have a clear choice to make- either decide to do what is right for you, or decide to go further down the wrong path. Only one path leads to where you want to go. Your decision! Good luck!!

    Good luck!
  • howardrw
    howardrw Posts: 80 Member
    I know feeling and what you are going through, my journey has lasted for over 2 years now, I got off the wagon in '09 for about 3- 5 months before I realize that I really needed to lose that extra weight that I have been carrying.
    Now I am back on it and sometimes you will go thru some ups and downs during these periods.

    You just have to try and take it a day at a time, just like what someone stated in one of the reply posting.
    It is not easy, I know having been thru it and even after the Thanksgiving holiday this year, I found myself once again losing the motivation or slipping again. But I just tried to work thru the feelings. Got my Tae Bo DVD and worked out for at least 30 minutes or longer.
    I have found that anytime I start slip, I do something to get me back on track. For me the Tae Bo DVD with Billy Blank demanding you keep up the faith. If possible try and find something that could get you back motivated.

    I hope this helps you.
  • JeanHaynes
    JeanHaynes Posts: 55 Member
    I keep telling myself "progress, not perfection". Don't try to be perfect during stressful times. Do what you can, keep healthy eating and exercise a priority, and don't let the stress drive you eat emotionally. And, you know what relieves stress? Exercise! Staying in bed all day while eating whatever I want is one of my favorite things to do in life, but it never makes me feel better about myself...

    I agree whole heartedly, I have been completely stressed out lately, bu t I find that when I take the time to exercise it relieves so much stress and give me constructive time alone to think. Don't beat yourself up about the past week, just get out of bed and get back on the wagon. You will feel so much better as soon as you do.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Oh how I can relate!

    Coming from a fellow student, I know exactly how you are feeling. All through my undergrad, exam time would bring on stress, pots of coffee, and boxes of Junior Mints. I was also the Queen of Procrastination, which meant I'd go and get fast food or coffee or donuts, just to "take a break" and get away from studying (which I wasn't doing much of anyways).

    So now that I'm in grad school, things are different, but they are the same in so many ways. I want this weight loss goal, but I also want the academic goals. I remember cramming for exams or trying to finish projects and thinking - why didn't I start this sooner? I started countless workout programs, only to quit, and a year later I'd be asking myself - why didn't I stick with that? So no more, I became tired of procrastinating, tired of being stressed, tired of being unhappy with my fitness level, etc. I had it, and I'm changing it.

    I made myself a schedule, and I'm sticking to it. That means I'm getting up 3 hours earlier than I usually do. Sure I could get up at my normal time, but that means I wouldn't have time for exercise. I am not giving that up. It feels so nice to take a break for an hour and exercise after you have been working on something for a long time!

    So if I could offer any advice, it would be to make yourself a schedule, and stick with it! Schedule in exercise, make a plan of what you need to do school-wise, and plan that out too. Just keep going forward, don't look back, and just remember, you can do it!

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