Cous Cous???



  • Kelli0453
    Kelli0453 Posts: 8 Member
    I add spices right into the boiling water i.e. garlic powder, paprika, chili powder, etc. Livens up the cous cous, tailor made to whatever else dinner is, and cheaper than buying the flavored boxed stuff.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    I always cooked couscous in veggie broth, then did either a curry spices mix with cooked cauliflower, onion, and carrot in it (raisins & almonds if you like) & topped with yogourt, or I did it Greek style with cucumber, grape tomatoes, chopped green onion, black olives and feta crumbles in it after cooking and toss with a bit of Greek dressing.

    ETA I do the same thing with quinoa now.
  • Vampyros
    Vampyros Posts: 4 Member
    I made some yesterday: cooked the cous cous in chicken stock (from a cube) and then, once cooled, added finely chopped onion, yellow pepper, cucumber and tomato. I put in some chopped parsley and lemon juice and seasoned with black pepper. Delicious!