Carb cycling buddies

Looking for people who are doing carb cycling..


  • halaghh
    halaghh Posts: 20 Member
    I have been doing it for 2 weeks now and I'm down 11.4 lbs.
  • Als2985
    Als2985 Posts: 7 Member

    I saw your post referenced about Chris Powell's Carb Cycling program.

    I am doing the cycle of alternating high carb with low card days, and my freebie day is Saturday.

    I am eating meals with protein, veggies, and minimal carbs Here is a sample day: (I am 158 lbs. and 5 ft 4 in.)

    Morning: smoothie
    snack: protein shake
    Lunch: cranberry walnut salad
    snack: protein bar
    Dinner: Usually chicken and steamed veggies
    snack ?? This is my downfall time..sometimes have chocolate or cookies!

    I have tried exercising 30 min. a day 3X a week....any other suggestions/comments 4 me??
    (I am not losing weight @ all..since I started I have gained back 4 lbs!!) It's frustrating!!!

    Please Help!
    Thanks :-)
  • Als2985
    Als2985 Posts: 7 Member

    When did you start to lose the most weight?

    Do you exercise with the food plan? Tips/tricks???
  • lesliefence
    I'm interested in carb cycling and am looking for meal ideas. I am mostly vegetarian and am looking how to do this using as little meat as possible. I only have meat on rare occasions. I'm not finding much luck on carb cycling with reduced meat intake..
  • halaghh
    halaghh Posts: 20 Member
    So, after two weeks I am down 11.4 pounds. I weigh in again for my third week on Thursday and I'm hoping for a total of 15. Here is what I do.

    Low carb day meals
    1. Vemma bode shake
    2. Vemma burn, carrots, sunflower seeds
    3. Chicken breast, carrots, sunflower seeds
    4. Yogurt, carrots, sunflower seeds
    5. Chicken, green beans, sunflower seeds

    High carb days
    1. Vemma bode shake
    2. Vemma bode burn, apple, carrots
    3. Chicken breast, apple, carrots
    4. Vemma bode shake
    5. Chicken breast, baked potato, green beans

    I don't deviate much from this. I'm sure once I get really sick of everything, I'll change it up. If you don't want to use the vemma bode products, I would get premier protein shakes from Costco. Most other protein shakes are too high in sugar and carbs. Bode burn can probably be replaced with nonfat Greek yogurt.

    I think part of your problem is that you have too many carbs and sugars. A smoothie is going to be really high in sugar. On low carb days, you really shouldn't eat fruit at all. Also, switch your lunchtime meal to chicken and veggies as well and I would cut out the protein bar as well. They tend to be high carb. It's really hard at first, but now I find that I hardly even think about food anymore. I have a huge sweet tooth, but I've been completely avoiding everything except for on my free day. It gets to the point where the apple on your high carb day becomes like having dessert.

    When I stop losing weight rapidly, I'll probably exercise more, but right now I'm only working out a few times a week.
  • pearsj10
    pearsj10 Posts: 9 Member
    I just started today!

    I made a chart of some options for me, based on what I like. I haven't included a lot of things I need to add yet, just getting an idea of what might work!

    Breakfast: oatmeal, kashi with almond milk, eggs, PB on whole wheat toast

    Low carb lunch/dinner: tuna, chicken or turkey with broccoli, asparagus or peppers and onions
    Low carb snacks: string cheese, protein shake, almonds, protein bar

    High carb lunch/dinner: turkey on wheat, baked chicken with brown rice, whole wheat spaghetti with meat sauce (ground turkey), grilled chicken and baked beans (+ a veggie)
    High carb snacks: popcorn, apple and PB, banana, baked whole grain chips and salsa

    Hope this helps! I am excited for suggestions from everyone else too!
  • halaghh
    halaghh Posts: 20 Member
    I'm interested in carb cycling and am looking for meal ideas. I am mostly vegetarian and am looking how to do this using as little meat as possible. I only have meat on rare occasions. I'm not finding much luck on carb cycling with reduced meat intake..

    Here is a list of the recommended proteins. You can subsitute yogurt, eggs, cottage cheese, tofu, etc instead of meat.

    Dairy: cottage cheese (low fat), eggs, egg substitutes, Greek yogurt (nonfat plain), )
    Poultry: chicken, duck breast, ostrich, turkey breast (low sodium)
    Red Meat: beef (lean cuts), buffalo (ground), elk, roast beef (low-sodium deli), venison
    Seafood: catfish, clams, cod, crab, halibut, lobster, mussels, salmon, scallops, shrimp, snapper, tilapia, trout, tuna
    Vegetable Protein: tempeh, texturized vegetable protein, tofu
    White Meat: pork (lean)
  • Hopefullysane
    Hopefullysane Posts: 27 Member
    Hi everyone. I just started this carb cycling.

    This is my basic plan:

    Breakfast every day: Oatmeal, mixed berries and non-fat plain greek yogurt

    Low Carb day:
    Morning Snack: Protein shake (after my workout), mixed nuts and a few raw veggies

    Lunch: mixed green salad with either chicken, tuna or salmon, extra veggies (cucumber, tomato) and avocado for the fat and a balsamic dressing

    Afternoon Snack: Raw veggies (lots), almond butter (to dip the celery in) or almonds or a low carb protein bar

    Dinner: Chicken breast or some kind of fish or occasionally a grilled steak with veggies (usually broccoli, asparagus and/or brussell sprouts) with butter for the needed fat

    High Carb day:
    Morning Snack: Protein Shake + banana

    Lunch: mixed green salad with either chicken, tuna or salmon, extra veggies and 1/2 cup of quinoa with a balsamic vinegrette dressing

    Afternoon Snack: Veggies, greek yogurt (plan/non fat) and mixed berries or an apple or a protein bar with higher carbs

    Supper: pretty much same as low carb day except I add in either quinoa, brown rice or some kind of whole wheat pasta

    Pretty basic.
  • ladebonis
    ladebonis Posts: 2 Member
    I just started carb cycling. I am on week #2, I am excited to see how this goes for me. So far, it seems to be going really well. I struggle with snack ideas, especially on low carb days.