How to slim your buttocks and upper thighs down?

I've been doing cardio (running and swimming) as well as lunches with 3kg weights. My calves and lower thighs are much stronger and toned now...but the excess fat on the upper thighs and buttocks just won't come off! What else can I do to shred it off?

Now that my legs are slimmer but butt is still big my clothes just look silly on me lol. Any advice would be appreciated!

20 y/o Female


  • waxon81
    waxon81 Posts: 198 Member
    Weight loss can't be targeted to a specific area like just your thighs. Keep up the cardio, and keep eating at a deficit, maybe consider barbell squats to maximise muscularity in your lower half.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    As mentioned you can't target a specific area. I would suggest that you start to concentrate on lifting more than cardio. This will help with muscle preservation. Also, make sure you have a small deficit and moderation protein (.8-1g per lb of lean body mass) as this will also help with maintaining your muscle mass. But in the end, you need to lose body fat which takes time.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    If the problem truly is excess fat… then you can't "spot reduce." Fat will come off where it wants to (usually due to genetics and body type). To lose the fat on your thighs… you simply have to lose weight overall.

    However, If the problem is that you've lost the weight, but you still look flabby… strength training on those areas may help firm things up and help you look leaner.
  • SmilesMiles94
    Thanks guys :) I've been eating under 1200 calories a day and exercise at least 35 minutes a day. I understand that I can't spot reduce, but it really does seem like my butt hasn't shredded any fat, but has been somewhat toned instead.