is any1 doin jenny craig?



  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    the extra's r harder 4 me 2 eat b/c i'm not hungry b/c i was nauseous all the time. but i'm doin better now. i'm startin 2 eat a bit more everyday. :smile:

    plus i was use 2 not eatin so much so countin all the extra foods makes it a LOT of food 4 me 2 eat... but that's ok b/c i'm not hungry when i do eat. :happy:

    & no i don't eat the souppitizers lol
  • BrisVegas1
    BrisVegas1 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi GooBeGone,

    Congratulations on your JC weight loss! :flowerforyou:

    I’ve been doing the Jenny Craig program (Australian version) for the past 5 weeks. I started prior to Christmas so that I would be conscience not to over eat during the holiday period. During that time I’ve lost 1.5kg (approx 3 pounds) and have eaten on average 1,600cals per day (clearly I have added to the basic 1,200cal program).

    I suppose I could have lost more during that time, however I wanted to get in the right mindset prior to the new year, but still enjoy myself over Christmas. Christmas & Boxing days I didn’t count any calories and just ate whatever I wanted. It was fantastic :happy:

    I don’t mind the variety of food. By the end of this week I will have tried everything on the menu. I’ve been documenting the food (photos, prices, nutritional info, portion size) to get a good feel of how the program is structured. That way when I decide to stop purchasing the Jenny Craig food I should be able to find or make comparable substitute meals.

    The thing I have enjoyed most about the Jenny Craig program is that it has encouraged me to be more conscience of eating more fruit & vegetables, which I have found surprising easy. For example, I usually add a basic salad to my lunch (lettuce, tomato, cucumber & some apple cider vinegar for dressing). For dinner I add a cup of frozen vegetables which I microwave for a few minutes (a nutritionist told me that frozen vege are just as nutritional, if not more, than fresh vege, plus they’re super convenient.)

    I’ve also been snacking on “fat free” yoghourt (by Jalna) with fruit, where as I used to eat regular fat yoghourt.

    BTW I hope you feel better soon.

  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    hi brisvegas1!

    i find that i eat abt 1600-1700calories daily w/jc foods also but i'm on the 1500calorie plan. but with all the exercisin that i'm suppose 2 b doin i think that it's ok. i knock off some foods if i'm not exercisin that day tho 2 get it closer 2 1200-1500 calories. but i still eat 2-3times daily.

    i'm feelin a lot better now. back at work as well. :smile:

    enuff that i'll b goin out this wknd w/some1 that i really like :tongue:

    we're goin 2 the movies & he's wantin 2 cook me dessert. so i'll exercise that mornin, not eat anythin at the movies (just have a water & i'll b ok :smile: ), & have a small piece of his dessert. but still eat what i'm suppose but cut out some extras 2 make allowances 4 his dessert. the prob is idk what he's makin... :frown:

    & no i haven't told him on jc but i've told him that i'm eatin healthier & he knows i've lost some weight :smile:

    good luck 2 every1! & keep postin! i enjoy readin what other jc'ers r doin as well. :flowerforyou:
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    so a quick update:

    i've lost abt 10lbs on jc & 2day is the beginnin of the 3rd wk.

    i've also started my half marathon trainin the past monday & i'm lookin 4ward 2 completin that challenge.

    i'll prob start p90x the first wk of february. that way it'll gimme time 4 my body 2 adjust 2 the runnin b4 i start anythin new.

    how's every1 else doin?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    That's great that you'll be training for the half marathon. I am currently training for a 5K on February 19th. I would recommend that you use a heart rate monitor when you workout. You don't want to be in too much of a calorie deficit with the workouts and on Jenny Craig.
  • yportia
    yportia Posts: 864 Member
    Good job on your 10 pound weight loss. This is my sixth week on JC and I've lost 14; slow and steady is driving me nuts, but as long as I'm losing I'll stick with it. The meal structure is good for me, but boy do I crave chocolate and salty snacks. The snacks I buy from JC are good but only having one of them a day - sometimes I don't know how I do it - but I just get another glass of water and think about the weight loss.

    I've been doing wii exergames at night and walking each day at lunch with a die-hard crew. In fact despite the snow they just called and said let's get to gettin'

  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    That's great that you'll be training for the half marathon. I am currently training for a 5K on February 19th. I would recommend that you use a heart rate monitor when you workout. You don't want to be in too much of a calorie deficit with the workouts and on Jenny Craig.

    yeah i have a heart rate monitor. i love it. i've had one since 2008. :happy:


    i'm eatin abt 1500-1700 calories a day so the deficit won't b 2 bad.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    Good job on your 10 pound weight loss. This is my sixth week on JC and I've lost 14; slow and steady is driving me nuts, but as long as I'm losing I'll stick with it. The meal structure is good for me, but boy do I crave chocolate and salty snacks. The snacks I buy from JC are good but only having one of them a day - sometimes I don't know how I do it - but I just get another glass of water and think about the weight loss.

    I've been doing wii exergames at night and walking each day at lunch with a die-hard crew. In fact despite the snow they just called and said let's get to gettin'


    yeah i understand the slow weight loss. i think that i won't lose anythin this wk. it's been a weird wk but i think doin the runnin will help me out better now.

    good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    hello ya'll!! :smile:

    i went 2 the jcc & gained 0.2lbs. but b4 she weighed me i told her i didn't lose any weight but that i feel thinner & feel better. so we took measurements after the weigh in.

    I LOST 9.5 INCHES!!!! :noway: :happy:

    i'm so happy abt that. 4 a couple of days i've been lookin in the mirror & i can c that i'm thinner than b4. but 2 have it confirmed is awesome!!

    i'm so lookin 4ward 2 the rest of my journey :smile: WHOOHOO!!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Good job, sometimes it's about the inches
  • yportia
    yportia Posts: 864 Member
    Great news about the change in measurements. I'm going to try to channel your enthusiasm. Two week ago I gained 2 ounces and was almost in tears; I seem to be fixated on the numbers. Since then I've lost a little more - my weigh ins are Mondays and today I lost 1.6, so signed up for the $20 for 20 pounds.

  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    ty all 4 the congrats! :happy:

    @yportia: i use 2 b all abt the weight, but 4 a long time i weighed 199 but looked smaller than that (thank goodness :tongue: lol) so 4 me it's really abt the inches & the bodyfat which is around 40% :grumble:

    i'm glad u lost 1.6lbs!! WHOOHOO!!

    we can do it ya'll!!! :happy: :flowerforyou: :drinker: <--water
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    WHOOHOO!!! i lost another 1.6lbs!!! :love:

    that's a total of abt 12lbs w/jc but over it's 24 LBS from my heaviest weight!!!! :noway:

    i'm not that far from my midway goal which is 204. just 20more lbs. i can do this. this is awesome!

    plus i started my half-marathon trainin abt 3wks ago. this is awesome. i'm thinkin of doin the p90x in feb as well. that'll shake it up a bit more :wink:

    how's every1 else doin?
  • yportia
    yportia Posts: 864 Member
    Way to go with the weight loss!

    My weigh in is tonight and I'm a little concerned as I had the munchies over the week end - was craving sugar and nuts. So went out and bought some of my own 100 calorie snacks. First time for me and found that when I have those little packs of 8 gummy bears - you tend to go back and open another one and then another one. Any way I wound up eating about 3 or 4 each day. Me thinks I’ll toss the rest of them. I wonder if I'll actually gain. Sometimes I wonder why I can't intuitively feel my body and sense whether I've lost or gained one or 2 pounds. Since I wear the exact same outfit you’d think by pulling on the dress I could see the difference? I never know what the scale will say so I - close my eyes and step up and wait for the JCC to tell me.

    Never been a runner – but always wanted to enter a walking marathon. Keep up advised how you get along with that. I walk about 15 miles a week with a group that flies along every day during our lunch. I’ve been doing a lot of wii exergames – Zumba – Walk It Out and Just Dance 2 at night – adding that to my daily walking. I’ve also found that cable has a lot of free exercises on the Demand channel.

  • yportia
    yportia Posts: 864 Member
    Update. I gained .8 pounds. It could have been worse. I went back to the planned meals tonight. Got the same thing that was on the 1st week 'cause I lost 4.6. Came home and danced the blues away to Just Dance 2 and drank a quart of water. I also ordered the media fit that JC is selling - not from them but from Costco - it was cheaper. I'll see if that helps me to see what I need to change up.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    i'm sorry u gained but at least u're reversing the process :smile:

    i actually gained as well my 3wk i think. but i'm stuck 2 my guns. u can too!! :flowerforyou:
  • yportia
    yportia Posts: 864 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement. Done with my pity party :sad: - today will be a new beginning - with lessons learned - thinking about all the good new habits I've picked up – what would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?:laugh:
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    progress update:

    so at the end of feb i've gone from 231 to 217 approx. i've lost a total of 14lbs. the last month was hardest b/c i gained 4lbs due to meds but i've lost them so now i'm back on track. :happy:

    my 1st half marathon of the yr is this wknd. will let ya know how it goes. :glasses:

    also will b officially startin p90x 2day. WHOOHOO!! :laugh:

    i've noticed that while i've been losing weight & inches i've been gettin fatter. meanin my bodyfat % has actually INCREASED!! :noway:

    so i'm doin p90x to increase my muscle mass so that i can burn more fat faster. (say that 3times fast lol)

    any1 else wanna update their progress? :flowerforyou: