Anyone else transitioning from

SumnyUK Posts: 33 Member

I've been using for the last 6 months. I like their food and exercise diary, but the online forum is a bit hit and miss. Then I came across myfitnesspal, and thought to myself "why pay biggestloser a monthly fee when myfitnesspal is free?!!". So here I am. Ready and roaring to go!

I'm trying to keep a healthy diet, but I'm not in any kind of super starvation food deprivation diet mode. Instead, I'm trying to get fitter, and have just completed a 10k run last weekend, and am signed up for a half marathon in October. Hopefully that should shed a few grams.

Has anyone else been using in the past? Is there anything you miss, or are you happy with having moved to myfitnesspal?



  • YF92
    YF92 Posts: 2,893 Member
    This is the only site I've used and I'd say its pretty good. Once advice though: When adding food, double check the portions (i.e. if it says 100g, be sure you have 100g not 200). Do that and you'll get max benefit
  • SumnyUK
    SumnyUK Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks YF92, that's good advice, and I'll bear that in mind.