I have to do it now

I'm 29, 230lbs and I've signed up to do a Mud Run. I've been running a little bit and realized today I have zero upper body strength. I have 6 weeks to get ready for this. I'm not concerned about time, I just want to be able to complete it!

Honestly, the mud run isn't the only reason I want to get into shape. I have PCOS (Poly-cystic Ovarian syndrome) and for the last four years I've been battling the PCOS weight gain. I've gone from 180 to 230 in three years! I have a wonderful 6 year old son and an incredibly supportive and motivating husband. (He's convinced I can be on American Ninja Warrior in two years).

I'm looking for some support/friends on here. I was on here once, it worked for a while but I got depressed, frustrated and lazy. I'm hoping to add some people for support.


  • minimotobabe
    minimotobabe Posts: 12 Member
    You can add me if you like ! I'm relatively new here and live in UK - so go for it - its an amazing challenge that you will finish and be immensely proud that you did it !

    Good luck
  • baybear14
    baybear14 Posts: 56 Member
    You can add me. I'm back at this journey again and have a lot to lose. I want it this time around.