Migraines & Headaches



  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    My brain hurts right now... must die. :noway: :grumble: :explode:
  • annpatalexa
    annpatalexa Posts: 38 Member
    OK. I've had migraines for a long time to. They were getting really bad about 2 months ago. My new dentist's questionnaire asked if I had migraines. So I said yes. He asked me about them and asked me if I had my wisdom teeth. Yes.

    Long story short, we removed my wisdom teeth and I've had 1 migraine in the past month and half. So talk to your dentist about that option.
  • Golden_Grizz
    Golden_Grizz Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a really special little snowflake who has had a daily migraine for the past 9 years. I was recently hospitalized and the doctors seem to think a big part of the problem is something called pseudotumor cerebri. There's also a genetic and stress component to this whole mess but the main treatment is weight loss and a medication called Diamox that slows the production of CSF.

    I got lucky that I don't seem to have many food triggers, but I have a ton of food allergies that make my diet a careful balancing act so I don't ingest too much of any one thing. If I do, it does tend to make the headache worse.

    As far as medications, I'm currently trying:

    Diamox: explained above
    Methergine: Ergot derivative
    Klonopin: benzodiazepene
    Lisinopril: ACE inhibitor

    My pain meds:
    Norflex: muscle relaxant
    Toradol: Intramuscular injectable NSAID
    Neurontin: Anticonvulsant

    It's too soon to say how my preventative meds are working but my abortive/pain meds help.
  • beckyhaa
    beckyhaa Posts: 30 Member
    Like many people, stress, lack of sleep, and lack of exercise contribute to my migraines.

    I am currently trying a gluten free diet to help with migraines (a blood test also showed I had some gluten insensitivities.) I was definitely skeptical and after 2 months of gluten free am still not convinced but the chiropractor says it could take time. I've never noticed any food triggers.
    I also saw a neurologist because I have persistent vision issues, which we thought might be occular migraines. After 2 visits to the neurologist, 2 different opthamologists and an MRI no answers were found. The neurologist prescribed the beta blocker propranolol but it makes me get extremely fatigued - I think this fatigue actually caused a migraine last night/today.

    Has anyone had success with specific exercises or yoga??