P90X people!

ok, so I just finished my first P90X workout - I THINK it was P90X3...I'm wondering if I should've started with the original P90X...cause I feel like I'm gonna throw up and I couldn't even do half the moves...my body was just completely incapable...or maybe that's normal? And I just need to keep at it?

Any insight would be helpful. I feel like I got a good workout but honestly, it was pretty defeating...


  • elvis67
    elvis67 Posts: 7 Member
    Could you be more specific regarding the workout? What was it called? How long was it? Knowing that will help determine if it was P90X or P90X3. P90X3 workouts are 30 minutes, whereas P90X workouts tend to be 45-50 minutes. If you are doing P90X3 there’s no hard fast rule that you need to start with the original. In many ways they are different programs. I would consider P90X to be a more straightforward program with most DVD focused on specific body parts (i.e. Chest & Back, Shoulders & Arms, etc). P90X3 besides being shorter workouts also tend to be more synergistic with core work/balance being incorporated into many exercises.
    P90X may give you a better base to start from, but it’s not going to be any easier and you may even think it’s harder. Regardless of the program, just modify moves to get through them and be consistent. You’ll be surprised with the progress you’ll make over time.
  • icanmakepeople
    icanmakepeople Posts: 21 Member
    thanks! It's definitely P90X3 - the workouts are full body and 30ish minutes. Ok, I'll keep it up and maybe look into the original. And try to stop throwing up...
  • KnightQueen25
    KnightQueen25 Posts: 2 Member
    I just finished a round of p90x3 a short time ago. I felt just like you. The first day totally kicked my butt. I am also prone to passing out so that happened too haha. Just make yourself do it though. By the third week I was already seeing that I was better at it. I could do more of the moves (other than pull ups, still horrible with that). Even pull ups though I tried. I used a chair, but the point is, I still did it. I want to start back up again now that my diet is better. The program is awesome, and I love it because anyone can fit in 30 minutes a day. Make it happen, and keep it up!
  • scarletpride16
    I've actually done both P90X and P90X3 so I can relate! When I first did P90X, I was a lazy 17 year-old couch potato. As a result I almost wanted to vomit every day of the first week. Throughout most of the program, I still got really tired and sore. However, it is encouraging when you get better at moves and can last longer in the workouts without taking breaks.

    As for P90X3, I sort of was on a hiatus for a year from my last round of P90X so Ihad gained a fair amount of weight I had lost and was out of shape again. Thus, that urge to throw up returned the first time I did Agility X. I will be finishing the program in a little over a week. I would recommend you just "do your best and forget the rest" and keep at it. It will be worth it in the long run :)
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    Bump - for other replies.

    I am doing a hybrid of p90x3 and t25 gamma but I'm considering moving on to P90X since it seems to be focused on specific body parts. More than likely I will do a hybrid again and use cardio workouts from Insanity / T25. There's no way I'm doing 90 mins of Yoga. lol
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    I have done both P90X and P90X3 and enjoyed P90X3 more. They are shorter and more intense. The P90X workouts usually last around an hour (Yoga is 90 minutes!) and you will feel just as tired afterward. I would complete P90X3 and if you don't end up liking it, check out P90X instead.