lose a bit of weight,struggling to consume enough calories??

I'm a 22 year old male, 6ft 1, weight about 176 pounds and my aim is to lose a big of weight in my stomach and chest area, other than that i'm quite a thin guy.
However, since stopping binge eating/drinking, consuming junk food and drinking loads of alcohol, i'm struggling to consume enough calories - i might even be consuming around 1000 a day. I'm a vegetarian and i find it hard to consume enough food for some reason. I eat loads of fruit and vegetables - with my main meals, or part of my snacks.
I've began running agai for about 2miles 4times a week, and it's making me feel great, however i'm worried that i will actually gain weight rather than lose fat. My aim is to lose a bit of fat, and eventually start bulking up at the gym

Any advice would be really appreciated. thanks.


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Would it surprise you if I told you that I am 5'-1" woman and can snort 1000 calories in one meal and still lose weight? You need more than 1000 calories a day unless supervised by a doctor. How much weight are you trying to lose?
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    Try more lentils, beans, nut based foods, cheese, etc.
  • christinablow2014
    add in avadados (guacamole with nut thins or veggies!!!!), make sure you're eating breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks. if i skip breakfast i don't eat much. maybe add a vegetarian protein into smoothies. . . and some dairy and whole eggs.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i'm 42, female and 5'5 and i lose on the 1700-2000 calories i eat.

    eat your food : eggs, nuts, beans, rice, cheese, ice cream, pop tarts, nut butters, yogurt, fish (if you eat it), cottage cheese, potatoes, etc are all good ways to add calories to your diet
  • adampierce142
    adampierce142 Posts: 27 Member
    thanks for you answers guys, i'm not sure how much weight i'm trying to lose specifically, it's just that my chest and belly area is making me uncomfortable and lack confidence because of it, the result of 2/3 years off eating junk food whilst at university.
    I'm trying to eat 3 meals, and snacks in between meals. I'm worried that i'm eating too much of the same thing, e.e. - such as poached eggs on toast, maybe 3/4 times a week?
    I'm new to all this so it's hard to know if i'm doing the right stuff. But i always have plenty of veg with my lunch and dinner.
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    i might be wrong but 176lb isnt an unreasonable weight for a 6ft something male. i wouldn't be surprised if the additional exercise doesn't help with the problem areas on its own by adding definition. please ensure you do consume enough calories to sustain you.
  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
    Just Google calorie dense foods and yes there are nutrient dense/calorie dense foods such as nuts, seeds, avocado.etc protein shakes/smoothies are also awesome.

    Also I would hazard a guess you are restricting your fat considerably if your calorie intake is that low...which is unhealthy and unsafe.

    I will post some links concerning macros and how to set them up.

    I suggest you incorporate strength training into your routine, both to maintain LBM and to improve your body composition.


    A simple explanation why too high of a deficit and too much activity can be negative for you...


    Lastly go over these link for great information to get a good handle on things...


    ETA: Don't wait to start lifting, best to get on that as fast as possible. Get those smexy muscles popping.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I am a 5'5" female who has had 75% of her stomach surgically removed and I avoid wheat for autoimmune reasons... AND I still have a hard time relating to those who struggle getting enough calories.

    Eat yogurt with dates and honey.. If you don't do dairy then you can make almond milk yogurt.

    Make some granola with oats, dried fruits, nuts, oil and honey(or other sweetener if you don't do honey) Delicious and calorie dense.

    If you're making rice, add some toasted cashews to it.

    Add nuts and seeds to your salads.

    make vegetarian tacos from lentils, beans and potatoes instead of meat. Wrap in a nice homemade corn tortilla and top with with lots of delicious guacamole.

    Remember, healthy and calorie dense are not mutually exclusive.