Plateaus are the DEVIL!!!!! 666

Sorry if the title freaked you out, I've had a little too much sugar today.

Anyway, I've been stuck at the same weight since the 30th (well, I've been going back and forth from 190.6 to 189.6 over and over) and it's super obnoxious. I've been trying to keep my diet consistent, but I'm really wondering if it could be due to the fact that I wasn't eating as much previously...? Yesterday I went over my calories and didn't exercise and I woke up with the tiniest of losses, so I've thought about upping my intake a tad.

Do you guys think this will work? Any tips or advice? I'm just trying so hard not to get discouraged about this. I even checked out that whole TDEE thing but it's telling me to eat WAYYYY too many calories so I'm very confused. Can anyone help me, pweese? :ohwell:


  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    You're either overestimating calories burned, or underestimating how many calories consumed. Or a little of both. They key is consistently burning more than you eat.
  • Erilynn93
    Erilynn93 Posts: 256 Member
    You're either overestimating calories burned, or underestimating how many calories consumed. Or a little of both. They key is consistently burning more than you eat.

    I usually don't eat back my calories but also, I overestimate my calories consumed soooo I'm not sure if there is some underlying reason for why I'm losing weight. I measure out everything I eat.
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Plateaus frustrate me, too. But then you break through! Stick to the plan for the long term!!
  • gail1961
    gail1961 Posts: 111 Member
    I agree that plateaus are normal and they don't last forever. Clearly you know how to log if you lost 36 pounds. That's awesome. My loss stalled a lot or did the 1 pound up and down thing. Just stick with it. Don't eat all your calories back. I didn't eat any back and I struggled. It eventually comes off if you stick to it. Good luck..
  • Erilynn93
    Erilynn93 Posts: 256 Member
    Plateaus frustrate me, too. But then you break through! Stick to the plan for the long term!!

    That's what I've been trying to focus on. I've been watching House a lot lately and I'm starting to worrying that this plateau may be due to a hidden medical reason :embarassed: hahah But I'm pretty sure that's just my crazy talking
  • Erilynn93
    Erilynn93 Posts: 256 Member
    I agree that plateaus are normal and they don't last forever. Clearly you know how to log if you lost 36 pounds. That's awesome. My loss stalled a lot or did the 1 pound up and down thing. Just stick with it. Don't eat all your calories back. I didn't eat any back and I struggled. It eventually comes off if you stick to it. Good luck..

    Well, some of that 36 was on accident haha but yeah, I've been trying for a while. I just feel like this plateau is lasting FOREVER.

    Thanks for the support! :)
  • vivian1616
    vivian1616 Posts: 27 Member
    Odes is right, burn more than you consume on a regular basis. This doesn't mean you will never plateau, however. I weigh everything I eat and log every bite, and with few exceptions, I burn more than I consume. And I hit a plateau about a year ago that I could NOT get past. It took me a good 3 or 4 months at the same weight before I started dropping again. I was very frustrated, but at the urging of friends and fellow MFPers, I kept doing what I was doing and the pounds eventually started coming off again.

    One thing you might want to try is switching up your exercise routine. I find if I do the same thing day in and day out, I tend to plateau more quickly. I spend 3 days a week doing HIIT, 3 days doing cardio or strength training and then take 1 rest day.

    Bottom line: don't freak out and keep doing what you are doing. Your body will figure it out, and as long as you are burning more than you eat, you will keep losing.
  • ZaCkOX
    ZaCkOX Posts: 115
    Plateaus are destroyed with time and consistent work.
  • You need a system reset. Keep to a low calorie diet. Fruits, Veggies, lean meats. Avoid breads, fatty and greasy foods. Do NOT exercise heavy for an entire week. I suggest walking a mile three to six times a week though to keep your muscles somewhat adjusted. Afterwards resume your previous diet. You'll notice your weight dropping again in about two weeks.
  • Shauna2626
    Shauna2626 Posts: 196 Member
    My advice is to make sure you're eating above your BMR but below your TDEE.
    Congrats on your weight loss thus far, and good luck getting past the plateau! :-)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Sorry if the title freaked you out, I've had a little too much sugar today.

    Anyway, I've been stuck at the same weight since the 30th (well, I've been going back and forth from 190.6 to 189.6 over and over) and it's super obnoxious. I've been trying to keep my diet consistent, but I'm really wondering if it could be due to the fact that I wasn't eating as much previously...? Yesterday I went over my calories and didn't exercise and I woke up with the tiniest of losses, so I've thought about upping my intake a tad.

    Do you guys think this will work? Any tips or advice? I'm just trying so hard not to get discouraged about this. I even checked out that whole TDEE thing but it's telling me to eat WAYYYY too many calories so I'm very confused. Can anyone help me, pweese? :ohwell:

    So you've not had the scale move in 10 days? I'd give it another week or two before declaring a plateau, to be honest. Weight loss isn't linear and small gains and standstills will happen. Are you still losing inches?

    Aside from that, are you by chance using a food scale to weigh out your food, or just measuring cups? If you aren't using a food scale, I'd recommend it.
  • Erilynn93
    Erilynn93 Posts: 256 Member
    Sorry if the title freaked you out, I've had a little too much sugar today.

    Anyway, I've been stuck at the same weight since the 30th (well, I've been going back and forth from 190.6 to 189.6 over and over) and it's super obnoxious. I've been trying to keep my diet consistent, but I'm really wondering if it could be due to the fact that I wasn't eating as much previously...? Yesterday I went over my calories and didn't exercise and I woke up with the tiniest of losses, so I've thought about upping my intake a tad.

    Do you guys think this will work? Any tips or advice? I'm just trying so hard not to get discouraged about this. I even checked out that whole TDEE thing but it's telling me to eat WAYYYY too many calories so I'm very confused. Can anyone help me, pweese? :ohwell:

    So you've not had the scale move in 10 days? I'd give it another week or two before declaring a plateau, to be honest. Weight loss isn't linear and small gains and standstills will happen. Are you still losing inches?

    Aside from that, are you by chance using a food scale to weigh out your food, or just measuring cups? If you aren't using a food scale, I'd recommend it.

    My measurements seem to have stayed the same unfortunately, however my visual appearance does appear leaner some days. I need to get a food scale, but this is why I round up from my measurements, everyone tells me that measuring cups aren't accurate. I might buy one this week as I'm trying to stock up on stuff for my dorm room.
  • Lindyandcheryl
    Lindyandcheryl Posts: 9 Member
    Try increasing your protein, I try to get close to 100 grams / day, weight loss is a little each day.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    It hasn't been long enough to be considered a plateau. This just happened to me for about two weeks (starting right around TOM, too!) where I bounced around the same pound. I just kept at it and it finally dropped off.
  • Erilynn93
    Erilynn93 Posts: 256 Member
    It hasn't been long enough to be considered a plateau. This just happened to me for about two weeks (starting right around TOM, too!) where I bounced around the same pound. I just kept at it and it finally dropped off.

    I've never been the same weight for so long though! urghhh lol. But yeah, I'm one of those lucky girls that usually loses weight during my TOM even though I do tend to bloat a bit still. Maybe that'll fix it though, it's coming up soon here...
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Sorry if the title freaked you out, I've had a little too much sugar today.

    Anyway, I've been stuck at the same weight since the 30th (well, I've been going back and forth from 190.6 to 189.6 over and over) and it's super obnoxious. I've been trying to keep my diet consistent, but I'm really wondering if it could be due to the fact that I wasn't eating as much previously...? Yesterday I went over my calories and didn't exercise and I woke up with the tiniest of losses, so I've thought about upping my intake a tad.

    Do you guys think this will work? Any tips or advice? I'm just trying so hard not to get discouraged about this. I even checked out that whole TDEE thing but it's telling me to eat WAYYYY too many calories so I'm very confused. Can anyone help me, pweese? :ohwell:

    So you've not had the scale move in 10 days? I'd give it another week or two before declaring a plateau, to be honest. Weight loss isn't linear and small gains and standstills will happen. Are you still losing inches?

    Aside from that, are you by chance using a food scale to weigh out your food, or just measuring cups? If you aren't using a food scale, I'd recommend it.

    My measurements seem to have stayed the same unfortunately, however my visual appearance does appear leaner some days. I need to get a food scale, but this is why I round up from my measurements, everyone tells me that measuring cups aren't accurate. I might buy one this week as I'm trying to stock up on stuff for my dorm room.
    When you get closer to your goal, you margin of error becomes narrower so you can't afford to guesstimate. +1 vote for the food scale.
  • Erilynn93
    Erilynn93 Posts: 256 Member
    Sorry if the title freaked you out, I've had a little too much sugar today.

    Anyway, I've been stuck at the same weight since the 30th (well, I've been going back and forth from 190.6 to 189.6 over and over) and it's super obnoxious. I've been trying to keep my diet consistent, but I'm really wondering if it could be due to the fact that I wasn't eating as much previously...? Yesterday I went over my calories and didn't exercise and I woke up with the tiniest of losses, so I've thought about upping my intake a tad.

    Do you guys think this will work? Any tips or advice? I'm just trying so hard not to get discouraged about this. I even checked out that whole TDEE thing but it's telling me to eat WAYYYY too many calories so I'm very confused. Can anyone help me, pweese? :ohwell:

    So you've not had the scale move in 10 days? I'd give it another week or two before declaring a plateau, to be honest. Weight loss isn't linear and small gains and standstills will happen. Are you still losing inches?

    Aside from that, are you by chance using a food scale to weigh out your food, or just measuring cups? If you aren't using a food scale, I'd recommend it.

    My measurements seem to have stayed the same unfortunately, however my visual appearance does appear leaner some days. I need to get a food scale, but this is why I round up from my measurements, everyone tells me that measuring cups aren't accurate. I might buy one this week as I'm trying to stock up on stuff for my dorm room.
    When you get closer to your goal, you margin of error becomes narrower so you can't afford to guesstimate. +1 vote for the food scale.

    I know that, but I'm still like 70ish away from my goal :( I'll buy one this week
  • jennilee8380
    jennilee8380 Posts: 134 Member
    UGH I'm feeling like this too!! Since about the same time. I just keep bouncing between 197-199 and it's killing me. Following.
  • ZaCkOX
    ZaCkOX Posts: 115
    Smashing a plateau is about staying on top and not caring what the scale says, care about what you do to get ahead. This is why staying committed and just keep doing what you do everyday WILL SHOW RESULTS. It might take an extra week or two but the consistent work will affect the body. The body can be forced to change.