Virtual Lifting Friend Needed! Join me in the "Man Room!"

Jamiedawn713 Posts: 7
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
hey everyone,

So I've never been big on lifting weights as a form of exercise! I have dubbed the weightlifting area in my gym the "Man Room" you know the place! The big bulk sweaty guys are in there grunting away at a weight that is far to heavy for them and if you watch too long you'll swear they are going to decapitate themselves when they drop the bar on thier necks! Well, the time has come to join the grunt fest! I am getting married in a strapless gown in 13 days, and after my dress fiting realized just how wiggly my upper body has become! My plan is to grunt through the upper body on Sat, Tues, and Th and the lower body M, W, and F! Come, join me in the sweat ring and grunt out and proud! :bigsmile:

Todays workout:

Chest Press (probably just the bar!)
Seated Bicep curls (the manly ones where you out your elbow on one knee)
Tricep dips (hands on bench, butt out and dip baby dip) (need to find a manly version of this exercise)
Shoulder press (Lift large dumbell directly overhead and pray I dont let go!) :huh:
Rowing Machine (I'll up the weight and grunt!):explode:
The Back bend thing (You know the one the guys hang over the endge of with like a fifty lb weight in thier arms and drop and raise)
Finally, the dreaded Push ups: Currently I can do one... GIRL ONE!!:laugh: :laugh:


  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Go YOU! It's an ominous place for most women. I was "afraid" to start the weights, but I have progressed alot with the weights.
  • stevobo
    stevobo Posts: 23 Member
    Hi- If you're looking for a "manly " alternative to tricep dips and have access to a workout bench, lie on the bench , hold the dumbell behind your head with both arms and raise and lower your arms keeping your upper arms at right angles!
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I like to go to the free weight area of our gym and embarrass the guys by lifting heavier then them with proper form instead of the swinging crappy form that uses more momentum then strength. :laugh: All it takes is practice and determination. You can do it!!!

    As for how to make the dips tougher, place a weigh plate across your thighs to do it. :happy:
  • I think for now my tush will supply plenty of counter weight for my dips, but I will remember to try it! I will also try the modified version! I would love to eventually get in there and not feel like a little lady lost! Go You!
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    In my professional experience, 90% of the Grunters you'll find in there have no clue what they're going and are simply copying friends, or the latest rumour they heard without and clue to form or any of the basic fundamentals required to get any real results.

    With this in mind, don't let anyone or anythnig in there be intimitating for you since if you take the time to educate yourself properly, you'll be miles ahead of anyone in there in no time.

    Remember, lifting heavy and grunting doesn't necessarily mean someone is physically strong or even functionally capable to use said strength in any kind of daily activity.

    That being said, pick a weight and ask yourself "How many reps can I do?" If you can only do 4, find something lighter...if you can do 40...then find something heavier.

    Challenge yourself to the best of Your individual ability and don't be concerned as to what anyone else is doing. One person's training regimen or goals rarely translate over to another person.

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