childhood memories survey



  • sweetiekayk
    * Where did you spend most of your childhood growing up?
    Rosholt, Wisconsin I pretty sure it's on a map
    Nelsonville, Wisconsin That might be harder to find

    * What was the name of the street you grew up on?
    Locust Rd, High St, Hwy A, Hwy 66, St Adelbert's Rd We moved alot

    * Do you still talk to your first best friends?
    Yes, we never really lost touch

    * What toy could you most often be found playing with?
    Barbies, cars and trucks, anything outside preferably in the mud

    * What games did you like to play?
    Again, anything outside preferably in the mud

    * Did you have a baby-sitter?
    Not really, my brothers and I were just left at home. So I guess my older brother who is only 3 years older than me

    * Did you have any freak accidents as a kid?
    I'm accident prone so I wouldn't call them freak accidents, although I am blamed for my little brother falling off the roof when he was 4....not my fault he dropped his hot dog and tried to catch it at the same time as the baseball. P.S. He was fine. (he's the freak accident one)

    * How else did you enjoy spending your time?
    Outside...swimming, biking, build forts

    * Did you ever take a friend on vacation with you?

    * What was your favorite vacation, as a child?
    My grandpa had a trailer at a lake in Northern Wisconsin. We went every summer and I miss those days

    * Did you every bury a time capsule?

    * Did you move away from where you grew up?
    Yes, but moved back and now live 20 minutes away......I need to get out of here!

    * What do you wish you could have changed?

    * Did you have any pets?
    Too many to remember....we were stray collectors....including whatever snakes and lizards we managed to catch

    * What was your favorite christmas present?
    Don't have one

    *What was the usual cause for your getting in trouble?
    Never being home on time when I was a child.....this should have been an indicator to my parents that I would never be home by curfew as a teen, but parents never learn.