alcohol and dieting



  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    I have had the opposite experience - it was only when I realized that I was not willing to sacrifice on the flavour or qualities of the beers that I drank - or the amount that I consume - was I able to take control of my calorie intake. I created an extra food category to track beer and I fit the pieces of the puzzle together to make sure I remain happy and un-deprived!

  • SeptemberLondon
    SeptemberLondon Posts: 151 Member
    I don't know if this will help anyone, but I quit drinking for about 6 months. After that period, i allowed myself 2 craft beers on Fridays and 2-3 beers on Sundays. It doesn't sound like a lot, but since I didn't touch alcohol for 6 months my tolerance was really low. Those 2-3 beers give me a great buzz without coming anywhere near sabotaging the rest of my diet.

    This is helpful to me! I quit when I started back @ the gym, 2 months ago. I was a daily drinker: 2-3 per day and more on weekends.

    But this weekend we have a party planned and all along I've intended to have a couple of drinks. I've been anxious about it, though. I don't want to go overboard (I tend to be a "pick up speed" drinker) and certainly don't want a set-back that will have me drinking regularly again. It sounds like I should just have an absolute cut-off decided ahead of time.
  • aligatorwww
    aligatorwww Posts: 48 Member
    I am also trying not to drink any alcohol for about a month now. It was pretty hard at first especially on the weekends, but has gotten easier. I don't see any change on the scale as I thought I would immediately. Funny thing is though, my face and fingers look thinner and I am sleeping much better and feel pretty great not drinking actually. I cannot have 1, it always becomes 3 or more and then I'm eating crazy crap after or the next day so this for me is a good thing!
  • SeptemberLondon
    SeptemberLondon Posts: 151 Member
    I stick with vodka Martinis with olives. One is a great buzz and it's not that high calorie so I can have two last me a couple of hours. Works for me.
    Another great suggestion! No mixer, no extra calories!