Wow - Sautee veggie recipe I just kind of made up on the fly

ZacFields Posts: 62 Member
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
Some of you expert healthy eaters might turn your nose up at this recipe because I'm taking fresh veggies and adding calories to them, but I have a really hard time being able to eat fresh veggies so sauteing them is the next best thing I guess.

Ingredients I used:
-Green giant baby carrots (14 pieces, 40 calories)
-Two sticks of celery (28 calories)
-A full tablespoon of Extra Virgin olive oil (120 calories, but I only logged half a tablespoon because there was at least that much left in the pan when I was done)
-Citrus seasoning (0 calories, 130mg of sodium though)
-A splash of red wine vinegar (0 calories)

Pretty simple, slice up the celery and throw the veggies into a pan with the olive oil. Sprinkle a little bit of citrus seasoning on it and saute for 15 or 20 minutes (or until the vegetables are as soft as you want them to be).

Scoop the veggies out and put them in a bowl. Then take your red wine vinegar and splash it over top. ENJOY.

I liked this because it was very tasty, and considering it's still under 150 calories (if you count only half a tablespoon of the olive oil), and you get all your vitamin A for the day as well as a big chunk of your other vitamins (and the antioxidants in the Olive Oil are said to be good for your heart).

Just thought I would share in case anyone else thought they might like!


  • ZacFields
    ZacFields Posts: 62 Member
    Oh and my favorite part - this is a regular sized bowl FULL of veggies. It's a lot of tasty food for under 150 calories.
  • this sounds good actually, and i hate veggies lol
  • ZacFields
    ZacFields Posts: 62 Member
    There is almost no veggie that I can eat raw Ashley. I tried to eat a serving of those baby carrots raw yesterday and it felt like I was force-feeding myself.

    But if you have it in your "calorie budget" to add a few calories to veggies with olive oil, it's amazing the difference in taste just 15 minutes over heat will do.

    Yeah we can have this same snack for about 56 calories if we don't saute them, but like I keep telling my fiance: We've got to learn how to make this a lifestyle change and not a diet. If we're force-feeding ourselves foods we just don't like, we'll never be able to keep it up.
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