Would like some like minded buddies

I was doing very well and was very active here a couple months back, but then I had surgery to have a bunion removed. I was unable to move and my appetite was affected in a weird way resulting in my getting out of good habits. I managed to lose weight still, so that was a nice surprise. But I need to get myself back on track and reach my goal.

I have to get my other foot done in about a year and a half, I want to reach my goal weight before my next surgery. I need to lose 80 pounds within a year. I know I can do this, I know I have the drive and when I was going full swing, I lost 12 pounds a month(being healthy). I even switched jobs so that I have the time to work out on a schedule.

I was hoping to have some friends for encouragement and accountability. People with similar goals and willing to be hard arses if need be. :) I need people I can talk to about weight loss who get the drive behind it. :)