Common Protein Concerns/Questions

Uptopargolf Posts: 263
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss

Alrighty, Hi everyone.

If many of you are on these forums as much as I am. You probably notice the amount of questions DAILY about people going over their protein allowance while using MFP. Now I do not mind answering questions, nor does anyone else that is on here! However after a while, I could just copy and paste what I say into every post. So I decided to put together some information on common questions that I see all the time. Hopefully this will become a sticky because we really need one. So read on, and see if this helps your question. Also use the search tool, it will answer probably 90% of your questions!

Q: I go over my protein almost daily? What am I do wrong?

A: Probably nothing wrong at all. The default allowance for protein goals is set pretty low on MFP. All you need to do is change your goal allowance by; Clicking on 'My Home' than >> 'Goals' than >> 'Change Goals' and set in your own percents. If you do not know your percents search these forums for some helpful answers. OR just let them stay as they are set and not worry about going over on protein. It will not effect your weight loss.

Q: Is going over on protein bad for me?

A: Probably not. Assuming you are not going over by more than a 100 grams, and you do not do it everyday. While some people fair well on a high protein diet. It can cause serious health risks that cannot be ignored. If you think you are eating WAY to much protein, post a topic on here and someone will be sure to help you out.

Q: What is protein? Do I need lots of it?

A: Well, what are your goals? People who want to maintain lean body mass (muscle) and or strength train need more protein than someone who does not do those actives. Everyone is different, and you will need to see how much protein works for you. However when you lift your muscles need protein to repair themselves. Protein in short, is what helps the body build muscle and keep you full for a long time. It is very healthy because normally you will find the most protein in, chicken, beef, turkey, etc. All lean meats. All these keep you full for a long time, and give you lots of protein.

Q: I read that I should drink protein shakes?

A: Well if you are working out, you probably should consume a protein shake directly after your workout to aid in the repair of muscle. You do not NEED a protein shake, but it does sure help. Again, everyone has different goals and some people need more protein than others. If you are unsure of your goals, post a topic and someone will help you out!

Ok, here are some links to other forum posts that address the same types of questions;

Common protein question

How to get more protein in your diet

Ok, I know this was pretty short and to the point. However It should answer the most commons question about protein when you are new to MFP. And as always of course, feel free to post a topic if you are unsure of what to do, or are confused!

Good luck to everyone. I know you can do it! -Chris.


  • Jourdan_Rystrom
    Jourdan_Rystrom Posts: 176 Member
    I make a homemade protein shake almost every day and LOVE it! It really aids with lean muscle building and weight loss, and works for me.

    Jourdan's Chocolate Raspberry Protein Shake:

    - 1 leveled scoop of Gold Standard Chocolate Whey Protein (fastest-absorbing...I've done my research) - if you don't like chocolate, you can add vanilla still tastes really good
    - 1 cup of frozen raspberries
    - 1/2 cup of Hood's Vanilla Non-Fat Frozen Yogurt (an small ice-cream scoop equals about 1/2 cup)
    - 1 1/4 cups of skim milk

    Blend together. This all equals 410 calories and 42g of protein! It should fill 1.5 big cups. Drink up and enjoy :)
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    They won't sticky it. It just seems like they don't have stickies at all, which is crazy if you ask me. Even though I don't exactly agree with you on every point, I'm just going to thank you for doing it and hope people see this and stop asking about it all the dang time.

    As for protein shakes, whole food protein sources will always be preferable, but they're a great way to aid in protein goals. I usually have one a day, but mostly as a carrier for my creatine.

    Anyways, thanks for bringing it all together.
  • They won't sticky it. It just seems like they don't have stickies at all, which is crazy if you ask me. Even though I don't exactly agree with you on every point, I'm just going to thank you for doing it and hope people see this and stop asking about it all the dang time.

    As for protein shakes, whole food protein sources will always be preferable, but they're a great way to aid in protein goals. I usually have one a day, but mostly as a carrier for my creatine.

    Anyways, thanks for bringing it all together.

    Thanks man. I'm sure my points are not perfect but I think for most people it will get them what they need. I just noticed how there are no stickys. Its crazy. If you were to post a topic before searching on like.. you'd get the third degree. But here it is not as big of a deal. Which I am ok with, I think people on the BB forum are kind of stuck up.

    Anyway, I'll just refer people to this post if I see any questions about protein etc.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Haha, there's already somebody posting another protein question!
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Bump for you thanks for sharing :flowerforyou:
  • Great post man, well said.

    I just wish you would have added something that TrainingWithTonya mentioned yesterday. Here is what she said on the matter.

    "The 1 gram per kilogram of body weight is a standard recommendation. Everyone needs 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight, minimum. If you are doing endurance exercise, you can go up to 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. If you are doing heavy weight training, you can go up to 2 grams per kilogram to help with muscle growth and repair. That being said, you need to watch it closely if you have kidney issues as excess protein can harm already strained kidneys. "

    The only thing I would add or change was what you mentioned about protein shakes. A person doesn't need a protein shake. They're used by most people because you can't bring all the ingredients and something to cook with to the gym so a protein shake is a quick substitute. Although a chocolate milk is just as good at recovery and is far cheaper and has all the protein and carbs you need for a post-workout meal.
  • Great post man, well said.

    I just wish you would have added something that TrainingWithTonya mentioned yesterday. Here is what she said on the matter.

    "The 1 gram per kilogram of body weight is a standard recommendation. Everyone needs 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight, minimum. If you are doing endurance exercise, you can go up to 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. If you are doing heavy weight training, you can go up to 2 grams per kilogram to help with muscle growth and repair. That being said, you need to watch it closely if you have kidney issues as excess protein can harm already strained kidneys. "

    The only thing I would add or change was what you mentioned about protein shakes. A person doesn't need a protein shake. They're used by most people because you can't bring all the ingredients and something to cook with to the gym so a protein shake is a quick substitute. Although a chocolate milk is just as good at recovery and is far cheaper and has all the protein and carbs you need for a post-workout meal.

    Thanks man. I'm going to bump this post.

    I would add in that info, but I don't want TrainingwithTonya to think I stole it from her. Although I'm sure she wouldn't mind.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    good post, I hope people actually read it.
  • karriecook
    karriecook Posts: 84 Member
    Fabulous thread! I had a question about always going over on protein and decided to search before I asked. Actually, I've been using the search feature more than any other tool on this MB because I seems as if all my questions have already been asked and answered. Thanks!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
  • EBell83
    EBell83 Posts: 18
    This has been the most helpful thread regarding protein questions. Awesome. Thanks to those who put the information in one place!
  • Thanks for this!!!!

  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    This is a good resource for people with protein questions. Thanks for putting it together!
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    thanks for putting this together. protein has been a big issue on the forums lately- and there are a lot of misconceptions about protein consumption floating around on here too.... so thanks for posting this, i hope people read it.
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
This discussion has been closed.