Appetite loss from SSRIs ord related drugs

Can anyone tell me their experiences with how this plays out? How long does the appetite suppression last and does it always change into an increased appetite and/or slowed metabolism and weight gain afterwards?

I've been taking 50mg of 5HTP twice a day for a few weeks. It's not an SSRI but increases serotonin levels and so is likely to have some similar effects. For the last few days I've had a very noticeable and uncharacteristic loss of appetite. I've never been underweight or overweight but I'm worried that if it's having the same effects as an SSRI or SNRI, I will go through the same initial weight loss and then dramatic weight gain that people on SSRIs report. Does this always happen if you get the appetite suppression? It would be good if anyone with specific experience of 5HTP could share their experience too, but I know not as many people will have used it.