The weight should be coming off but it's not?



  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    you have to write down everything you eat and count your macros . You have to have good post workout meals . protien shakes. creatine helps too. Only one cheat day evey 30 days. Have refeed days to even out your macros

    Creatine, by its very nature, causes significant water retention in the muscles. It's great for allowing you to lift more weights, but it's going to cause you to gain and retain a decent amount of water weight. It takes about four weeks after stopping creatine supplementation for your muscles to release that water (which is why muscles don't appear as puffy and look more lean after you stop). Just something to be aware of if this is a route you are considering.
  • TheOddOne
    TheOddOne Posts: 45 Member
    Yes, it can be VERY frustrating when you don't see the pounds come off when you KNOW you are doing the all of the "right" things. Just stick with it though. Play around with your intake. Don't eat your exercise calories back.. eat your exercise calories back.. find what works for YOUR body. We're all very different. I find that I bloat if I eat sweets (candies, cakes, etc) and had to cut them out completely. I've replaced them with fruits and I don't have that issue anymore. The bloating may be from something specific your body is reacting to.

    But do not give up. :) Find a fitness partner - someone to help motivate you and you do the same for them. It's better to lose it slowly over time anyway. When I first added exercise to my weight loss journey (I started with getting my diet in check before becoming physically active) I gained weight and it was so discouraging. I had to focus on everything non scale related. How was I feeling? What could I do now that I couldn't do prior to making the decision to become healthy? ... I had more energy and I was able to play with my son more. I could walk for more than 10 minutes without getting out of breath. Exercising and eating healthy do so much more than just make you lose weight. Weight loss will come in time. And if it doesn't, be happy knowing that you are healthy and be proud of yourself for making that commitment to exercise and eat right. :)
  • RamonaFr
    RamonaFr Posts: 112
    Well, you've had lots of good -- although somewhat conflicting -- advice already, but I'll add my two cents' worth. I agree that using a scale is important. Weighing most of your food is more accurate than measuring by volume. Bloating can be caused by many things, it can be hormonal, for instance, or due to excessive salt intake. It can also be due, in my experience, to having a lot of fiber in your diet when you aren't used to fiber.

    Don't give up! You've already put in a month or more -- don't waste it, but keep going. I think 1100 calories is too little, unless you are very petite. Maybe bring it up to at least 1200 calories a day, and if you exercise very hard, eat back some of the exercise calories too.

    Good luck!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I definitely know that I'm not eating more than I realize because I'm marking literally everything and I have measuring cups that I use when I eat things like dry cereal, nuts, ect, and most days I have to force myself to eat just to get up to my 1100 minimum. I'm never hungry and not losing weight just makes me want to eat less. The frustration is really getting to me. This is the most serious I've been about losing weight. The first two weeks out of this past four my calorie count was at 1100 but I still was changing my diet, but these past two my diet has become so much healthier. I'm really worried but people keep telling me that it just takes time and that me stressing out so bad can make it a lot harder.
    Setting any medical conditions aside, if you are not losing weight you are eating too much. This happens by unintentionally underestimating calories in and overestimating calories burned.

    If you were truly eating 1100 calories, you would be losing weight.

    Measuring cups/spoons are deceiving because they never are the same as the actual weight of food. Also, beware of those generic entires in any food database that say small, medium, or large anything at all.

    i have a banana on my oatmeal every morning. If I were to log it in as 110 calories every time, I'd be doomed. In any week, I've bananas with calorie counts of anywhere from 80 calories to 130 calories based on grams.

    Two tablespoons of peanut butter generally weigh more than the 32 grams per two tablespoon serving, so there again a person is eating more calories than he/she thinks.

    Small, medium, and large are in the eye of the beholder, so you could be eating a large apple when you think it's medium or small.

    Weigh all your food instead.

    Also, don't forget about non-calorie beverages, condiments, anything extra you add to your food.

    Do you exercise? If so, where do you get your calorie burns? If you use MFP, gym machines, or any source other than a heart rate monitor, you might want to eat only about 3/4 of those exercise calories back.

    ETA: don't take anymore diuretics. Talk to your doctor about your water retention issues, as it could be something that needs attention.
  • I agree with everything everyone said about measuring your food, 1100 calories isn't enough, watch the sodium, etc. Also, you said you're doing 45 mins of cardio. Try some strength training also. It will build lean muscle faster, and more muscle means more fat burn. Let me know if you want some tips on how to do that. :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I agree with everything everyone said about measuring your food, 1100 calories isn't enough, watch the sodium, etc. Also, you said you're doing 45 mins of cardio. Try some strength training also. It will build lean muscle faster, and more muscle means more fat burn. Let me know if you want some tips on how to do that. :)
    You don't build muscle at a calorie deficit unless you are a new to weight lifting and/or obese, and even that isn't continual. However, you might reveal muscle that's already there.
  • 1100 calories is too low but you are probably eating more than you realize.
    Get a digital food scale and weigh EVERYTHING solid that you eat!
    Measure by cups and spoons all liquids.
    Log it all on MFP everyday.
    You will lose.
    Be sure to eat back some exercise calories.
    Drink lots of water but don't take diuretics unless prescibed by your doctor!!!



    this is exactly right with the added caveat that, like others have said, use the mirror - don't look at the scale exclusively.

    and definitely buy a $15 food scale on amazon if you don't have one. volume and weight are 2 completely different measures - density of food counts. food scale is your friend.

    and patience.
  • kessler4130
    kessler4130 Posts: 150 Member
    Your protein is dangerously low, and calories in general are even more concerning. You could cut weight at 1600 calories a day, 95 grams of protein, 55 grams of fat, and 195 grams of carbs. You are shutting your body down the way you are trying to lose weight.
  • Try Gluten Free Diet here are some facts.

    Fat Loss = How you balance your blood sugar insulin.

    Gluten causes Inflammation and constipation as well

    Processed foods cause BLOATING which is INFLAMMATION. AVOID sucralose, soy, corn ,crackers, microwave diet meals, yogurts,hydrogenated oil, canola oil,margarine, substitute butter products.

    INSTEAD EAT = Quinoa,Fruits,veggies Real butter,eggs,avocado,raw nuts,steak,sweet potato,berries,chocolate,fish,coconut oil accelerators,your metabolism will soar and your weight will drop.

    Carbohydrates AVOID THESE- Whole wheat,bread,processed snacks,pay attention many light dressings have hidden carbs they turn to sugar increase insulin..

    I hope this helps you. I'm uncertain which diet plan you follow but I use Gluten free it works if you work it!

    Counting calories is not always the best for everyone eat gluten free/balanced meals.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Looks like you've gotten mostly good advice so far so I'll only add far as the belly bloat I found un-cooked green vegetables like green peppers make me bloat. I had to stop eating broccoli altogether because it caused so much distress; bloating and severe heart burn. You may need to do an elimination thing to see if it's anything your eating. I also have started avoiding or at least limiting peanut butter and peanuts they were causing stomach cramps. I also drink 1/2-1 ounce water per/body weight.
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    I can only see the past two days of logging, but in those two days I have to agree with kessler4130 -- you have a protein goal of 60 grams and you should try to EXCEED that every day. What you're not eating in protein, you're eating in sugar or fat. HTH and good job to kessler4130.
  • skiesofsunshine
    skiesofsunshine Posts: 8 Member
    For everyone who kept saying I was eating, now that I'm eating more I'm actually starting to lose weight. I don't think I was giving myself enough calories. I started eating more frequent, small meals, more exercise and I'm including more protein in my diet. It's only been a few days but I've already seen a drop from 158 to 156, so I'll continue to monitor that and see how it stands in terms of water weight, ect.
  • RSEC75
    RSEC75 Posts: 45 Member
    I was going to agree with those who said you weren't eating enough. When your calories are too low your body goes into 'starvation mode', your metabolism slows down and you don't burn the fat.

    It's good to hear that by eating more you are now starting to loose weight, sounds like your metabolism has gone back up :)

    You might want to experiment with what level works best for you and your weight loss. Remember that loosing it too fast can also be unhealthy. Good luck!
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Do you use a food scale? If not, you are eating more than you think you are.

    My thoughts as well.

    Until you weigh/measure/track everything that goes into your mouth...
    Assume you are eating way to much.....

    Like I bet you are eating salads out the whazoo....
    And if you are, then you are prolly using salad dressing.....those things are gut bombs.
    Tons of tons of calories
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    ........'starvation mode',

    :huh: :huh: :noway: :noway: