New to MFP, 100+ Pounds to go ( Add Me )

I am 18 Years old and currently weigh almost 330 Pounds. I honestly have always hated my weight but i never can stick to any sort of diet or weight loss plan.

I have been really overweight ever since i was alittle and the only time the weight seemed to go away really easy was when i was in football. I went from 260 to 220 in about 4 weeks. thats 10 pounds a week I was losing from 3 hour football practices everyday.

I have never been able to get results like that on my own. The best I have been able to do was 14 pounds in 4 weeks. which is still honestly amazing

The problem is I always ending up gaining the weight back, and sometimes alittle bit more. I know I do always lose weight when I track with MFP so thats what I want to stick to this time

I currently weigh 329.4 Pounds and would like to see that number get under 200 ( if possible )

Along with being fat i know i do have a bigger body type. 180 Would probably be the lowest i could go weight wise without getting unhealthy.

Anyone feel free to add me.


  • AllieLosingIt
    AllieLosingIt Posts: 150 Member
    I'm just a few pounds below you with similar goals. Sent you a friend request. :)
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    Hello :) It's nice to meet you. My starting weight was 465 and currently 251 and still have about 80 or more to lose. As you stated by logging food it really does help lose weight. It put into prospective what we are really putting into our bodies and helps us make better choices. Make sure you log everything you eat and also weigh/measure everything. Those are two of the most important things. :) If you would like to add friends feel free to add me and welcome and best of luck :)
  • pelaccioiniraq
    helllllllllo!!! im looking at losing a fair amount myself. also looking for a motivating crowd to pick me up.