All things in moderation.. or none at all?



  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    Moderation is key. I'm considering this weight loss period as a dry run for maintaining (which is why I've set my daily calories at around what I will be eating in maintenance - nice smooth glide into it!). So I find ways to get the indulgent stuff into my diet, because I'd sure as heck not want to not eat them for the rest of my life.

    That said, it's not all the foods. I can't stand peanuts so no peanut butter for me. And I'm allergic to melons. (Which I'm very sad face about because I really love melon. :sad: )
  • scoobydooteresa
    scoobydooteresa Posts: 20 Member
    there is nothing i stay away from. that being said sometimes i eat to much of a good thing and wonder why my scale hasn't moved lol