
how do you post pics on this bad ride without like a photo sharing link? unless i can do it on my google account, i would do that for sure. thanks!


  • Lemongrab13
    Lemongrab13 Posts: 206 Member
    Upload your photos there.
    Once done, go to the specific photo and there'll be four code links on the right.
    Choose the bottom link IMG.
    Copy code, paste to post.
    To make it work you have to change the beginning and end from capitals to small letters.
    Like so:
    [ img ] [ /img ] <like that except without the spaces.

    Then you'll get your photo.

  • AllieLosingIt
    AllieLosingIt Posts: 150 Member is probably the easiest way! Just go to the site, upload the pics, then click the BBcode image link button to copy them, then paste here. When you post them here though you have to change where it says [IMG]to lowercase or it won't show up. :)[/img]