Need some help

So I've been hitting the gym everyday for the past 3 weeks and burning on average 500-550 calories (According to the machines) and I've been pretty good of staying within my daily calories (only gone over 1-2 days) but the scale has not moved!! Is this normal? I seem to be stuck at 260 lbs and it's frustrating to try and keep myself going when I don't see a difference. My family has told me they see some inches lost in my neck and face but I just don't see it.

Did you guys have this happen when you first started and how did you kick things in to gear? I should mention I drink a lot of water and do some weight training and always drink protein powder after a workout.

Thanks in advance for any tips you might offer.


  • My biggest piece of advice is just keep at it. Try not to focus so much on losing weight, just be healthy and the weight loss will come after. It's a lifestyle - not a quick fix :)

    Drinking lots of water like you're doing is great. Get a good sleep each night too and taking progress pictures is a great way to see changes. Even if the scale doesn't budge you can lose inches.. if you're putting on muscle, carrying more water-weight and burning fat at the same time. Drinking protein after your workout it to help repair muscles and keep them strong after weight lifting.. which you should do more of - and lift heavy! KEEP AT IT! What's your diet like? I can give a few suggestions.