i've stopped losing weight but i'm not gaining either

Ok this is a long question but i wanted to give all the info to get the best answer

Back in January i started a weight loss plan and 7 months later i've gone from 19.2st with a 42'' waist to 13.10st with a 34'' waist. I am VERY happy with what ive been able to achieve so far but my goal was to get to about 12.6st. i was going pretty well up till about a month ago. i was losing weight every week, a pound here and there but still a steady downward slope.

well in the last month i just stopped losing weight. i stay between 13.8 and 13.12 (bit more if i drink or eat a lot though thats only once a week). I can't seem to get that last stubborn stone to go. its good that i'm gaining at least but i don't know what happened to make me stop all of a sudden

My diet is the same as when i was losing regularly. a low fat breakfast bar and a no fat yogurt drink for breakfast and usually small tin of tuna and no fat greek yogurt with honey for lunch. dinners vary but its usually fish (cod, salmon, prawns) with wholewheat pasta or chicken fillet with brown rice or salads (no oil, low fat dressing). I drink close to 1.5ltr of water a day (sometimes with cranberry juice mixed in). if i do eat chocolate its weight watchers snack bars. i do allow myself treats. habits have changed. if i get peckish i'll have a bowl of raisins or manhattan popcorn. i also have a protein shake (kinetica brand) after a workout and most days a protein bar too

As for exercise i work out 3-4 days a week. i do a one, one hour Spinning class and 2 classes of TRX (suspension training). Both classes consist of weightlifting, mostly a 12lbs kettlebell or 15lbs barbell. Also i work in a supermarket pushing the trolleys in from the carpark, 5-7 hours a day pushing shopping trolleys, i assume that'll burn calories just not sure how much.

So how can i get over this slump? i dont think i can physically cut back anymore on how much i eat. i'm already down to what i see as my min limit. i just dont know why i was steadly losing weight and then just stopped. any help or advice will be greatly appreciated


  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    If your diet hasn't changed at all then you're probably no longer in a deficit for your new weight. Have you re-calculated your calories?
  • seamonster1203
    seamonster1203 Posts: 118 Member
    The rules are different for losing the last stone. Your body needs the last 10 pounds, if you wanna lose it youve got to up everything. start by switching forums.
  • WombatHat42
    WombatHat42 Posts: 192 Member
    It is normal to go in a slump when losing weight. A lot of people will lose a lot that first week or two then their body catches on and slows the weight loss(gross oversimplification i know) Sometimes it will last a few weeks just keep with it. Otherwise, tweak your workout a bit. If you tend to do the same thing everyday workout wise your body has probably adapted, make things a bit more difficult