Deleted, I give up! What else can I do? Sorry

Swamped and getting sucked under by health problems.. I lost 50lbs and its creeping back on, I need to lose at least that again but hit so many walls.. I do not know what I can do to make this work :sad:

Ive even lost my sense of humour and I have become one of 'those people' that has no life and nothing to say except how ill i am feeling or medical health and fitness diet blah that nobody wants to hear :tongue:


  • wagglesworth
    wagglesworth Posts: 53 Member
    Please don't give up. Your health issues won't get any better nor will your self esteem. I just began another weight loss journey on the 2nd of last month and joined MFP on the 2nd of this month. I had given up too. My physician was so frustrated with me because I was not taking my medications, I was rude and irritable to everyone around me. I had an epiphany I guess I could say. I was taking all my anger for myself and projecting it on others. I needed to take charge. And.... so I did. MFP is a good place to start. I like the food diary - it's a great tool. As far as support - well don't let it get you down I haven't found much here. But, we can support each other. I'll be here for you.
  • moijo75
    moijo75 Posts: 11
    Thanks for the reply.. your right of course. Its just so frustrating not getting anywhere and not knowing what to do about it because everything i try isnt working .. then a vicious circle unravels :cry:
  • jaena4
    jaena4 Posts: 175 Member
    Health issues tend to take over your life :( I'm sorry you're going through all this!

    Try to focus on making yourself feel better - light exercise that isn't too overwhelming. Remember, you don't have to run a marathon for it to be beneficial. Perhaps walking or swimming would help you control stress? Perhaps some gentle stretching?

    Try to take some time for yourself. I find that I'm snappish when I feel overwhelmed and intruded upon. I try to do something for me - read for half an hour, take a ridiculously long shower, etc.

    And remember that you don't have to lose all your weight to see benefits - the whole number seems so impossible! But if you lose even a few pounds, you'll feel better. But even if you don't lose anything at all for a while, you'll feel better if you don't give up! Try to make some healthy choices. Try to move a bit but not in an overwhelming way.
  • akgreen324
    akgreen324 Posts: 74 Member
    I would start doing activities that you love. Walking, playing volleyball, reading a book while doing a stationary bike?? I mean I :flowerforyou: workout think about all the people that made me angry/my stresses for the day and it all go in the workout. But I know, this isn't easy. That's why I said in the beginning to try making activities things that you love. And start out small. If it's walking, try and get a good walk in 3 times a week. If eating is your struggle, try changing only one thing (i.e. instead of having a soda have some sparkling water with a splash of cranberry juice). A lot of it is mind over matter (again hard).

    Sorry for my rant, but I don't like seeing people on MFP give. And I actually have experienced a lot of support. I think you did the right thing by writing a post, because we have to understand we can't be scared to reach out for it. Yes, people may get annoyed of hearing you talk about "health" stuff (my boss and co workers can't stand it when I talk about it) but you know what....I don't care. I want to be surrounded by people who are happy that I am taking this challenge on and support me. I also often talk about the things that make me excited/happy/feel good because it shows people your positivity and what you give out you get. But like I said, if people are annoyed, then screw them. The first person you have to love, is YOU. Don't let other people bring you down.

    I am here for support too! Feel free to add me and you will see all my friends that have given me support.
  • Hello I know what you are going thought I do the same thing. I want to WW and loss and I had RNY and loss a little bit and now I feel like a farer agin. I did not know what do to so I asked. so now I do the 5/2 dite I just started so I do not know how it is doing yet. and the Dr. told me to come here and post what I eat. and do. I will try every thing and any thing to loss the weight. I had to remmber to Love me first. so now I am happier. I will keep you in my pary if that is ok with you.
  • ZenPeace2014
    ZenPeace2014 Posts: 7 Member

    Is this discussion still going on?

  • moijo75
    moijo75 Posts: 11
    ^^ theres always one :tongue:

    Thanks for the replies all:wink:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Try to hang in there...everyone has set backs just keep trying. You can do it !!!!! One day at a time
  • lessbounce
    lessbounce Posts: 250 Member
    Keep going hun, I have numerous health problems. It is hard and sometimes they really get me down and stop me doing stuff. If I'm really down like today, I give myself a day off. The 11th commandment - thou shalt not commit yourself :wink: . On day off will not stop your health goals it will slow the down.

    It's very difficult to live with chronic health problems - you deserve a bit of slack - doesn't mean you can't be healthy if that is what you want.
  • moijo75
    moijo75 Posts: 11
    Thanks I am hanging in by my finger tips atm. just bought myself some new gadgets from fitbit to try to give me motivation to keep going .. if at first you dont succeed try try tryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy again and again.