Stupid plateau

Been stuck at 212-216 for what seems like forever. Muscle definition is getting better but I still would like to get to 200 even. Starting to get very annoyed with this but I'm very aware I only have myself to blame because of the way I've been eating. Guess I'm just looking for some extra motivation or help or whatever anyone has to offer lol. Any new friends are always welcomed too, so feel free to add.


  • aaron2735
    aaron2735 Posts: 76 Member
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    If I don't budge this week I will have hit a plateau as well. As you said, I only have myself to blame. Lots of empty calories and desserts for me this week. Think we seriously have to kick it in gear and be really careful this week! Change something in your eating or exercise for the better. We'll have to see a difference.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    How long has it been? A couple weeks is not a plateau, and it happens a lot. Otherwise, make sure you're accurate in your logging.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I feel ya. I danced up and down every iteration of 160 for a month. It's frustrating when you are so close to your goal and can't seem to budge. The only thing that you can do is really buckle down with food and exercise and power through it. Recalculate your needed calories if you haven't for a while and then commit to sticking to the plan. I wish there was a better way!
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Hang in'll break through. I've been there and it is frustrating!!!!
  • aaron2735
    aaron2735 Posts: 76 Member
    It's been a couple months of just hovering in the same 212-216. My exercise is already at 5-6 times a week at 1-2 hours per session. I'm going with it's more the diet than anything. I feel like my love of food is my downfall.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Maybe it's time to reassess your exercise too. What are you doing 5-6 times a week for 1-2 hours?

    Also, are you logging your food somewhere? (It looks like you aren't logging in MFP.)
  • kempt_ken
    kempt_ken Posts: 96 Member
    I didn't see any entries when I looked at your food diary. ???
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Whenever I hit a plateau, I try to "tighten up" and count everything down to the condiments. Mine have usually been due to me underestimating what I've been eating.

    However, recently, I had a weird thing. I've been converting my MFP data to WW points. I find that MFP is a little lower than I like to go, and WW gives me a little more food - so I have my 'set up boundaries.' (MFP = low; WW = high limits). Well, somehow my WW numbers got floopy. The website gave me 2 points more than what the weigh-in stickers said I had available. So, I hovered around the same three pounds for like three weeks.

    Last week, I actually tried to trouble-shoot to find out why that was with the points being different based on what I was looking at. For some reason, I had to reset the settings, and suddenly, the numbers went together. I should have been using the lower numbers all along. I weigh in tomorrow (if I can get over there in time) or Wednesday (since they're open from 9-2 on Wednesdays - if I can't get there tomorrow) - and I expect there to be a good loss to get me past the self inflicted plateau.

    For what it's worth - and good luck!
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    Whenever I hit a plateau, I try to "tighten up" and count everything down to the condiments. Mine have usually been due to me underestimating what I've been eating.

    However, recently, I had a weird thing. I've been converting my MFP data to WW points. I find that MFP is a little lower than I like to go, and WW gives me a little more food - so I have my 'set up boundaries.' (MFP = low; WW = high limits). Well, somehow my WW numbers got floopy. The website gave me 2 points more than what the weigh-in stickers said I had available. So, I hovered around the same three pounds for like three weeks.

    Last week, I actually tried to trouble-shoot to find out why that was with the points being different based on what I was looking at. For some reason, I had to reset the settings, and suddenly, the numbers went together. I should have been using the lower numbers all along. I weigh in tomorrow (if I can get over there in time) or Wednesday (since they're open from 9-2 on Wednesdays - if I can't get there tomorrow) - and I expect there to be a good loss to get me past the self inflicted plateau.

    For what it's worth - and good luck!

    Weird! I have the OPPOSITE problem - if I use WW points I'm under 1200 calories. I exercise almost every day and was wondering why I was STARVING! It's funny how weight loss is so different for everyone!
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    I have the same issue. I have been stuck at the same weight for months, and it's mainly because I'm cheating with logging. I'm trying what someone else suggested - tighten up with logging what I eat so I see every calorie. I lost a lot of weight last year and got cocky, thinking I could get by with more "cheating" than I should!