Throwing away my crappy scale



  • skittle316
    skittle316 Posts: 128 Member
    scale vs being happy with your body
    You don't need to weigh yourself more than a month to track your BMI. It's not a motivation because anything you loose could be water or muscle, not actual fat. If you want a number to be what motivates you to be healthy, be my guest. But body dis morphia and the scale are hand in hand. If you feel you HAVE TO weigh yourself, take a break . I went to the YMCA and stepped on their scale it said something completely different to what my scale, my friends scale and my cousins scale. I got so paranoid "no no no I can't be this weight, the scale is wrong,i know i weigh less" blahh. I started becoming obsessed with the scale, most weighing myself 4-5 times a day. It didn't make sense. it takes a month to see the full results on weight loss, why want to see a small change in a day or a huge change in a month? That's just me preaching though, do what you want. If you ever get to where you want to be, remember what's actually making you happy, what you're seeing or the number.
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    I weigh daily to see my water retention relative to my daily sodium intake. Just make sure you weigh yourself in the same manner every day. For me its naked and after using the bathroom 8). But my weight fluctuates 3lbs daily due to water retention.
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    I use my Wii Fit. I checked it against my old fashioned non-digital scale and it seems accurate. Plus...I get to do balance games and who doesn't like that?
  • I second the Eat Smart scale recommendation. It's a basic digital scale, and I have had zero problems with it as of now. It was about 30 bucks, and as a special came with a tape measure as well.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    I weigh daily to see my water retention relative to my daily sodium intake. Just make sure you weigh yourself in the same manner every day. For me its naked and after using the bathroom 8). But my weight fluctuates 3lbs daily due to water retention.

    BTW, Sodium is not the only thing that affects water weight .....
  • I bought a new scale. Its by weightgurus. It allows me to see my percentage of body fat, water weight, and muscle. I LOVE IT. It had me weighing the EXACT SAME as my moms. I step on it multiple times and its always the same number. I weighed on a non digital scale and it had me weighing the EXACT SAME as my moms. So I think I am going to believe that this is my weight.
  • MsValerieAnne
    MsValerieAnne Posts: 90 Member
    I also have a Weight Gurus Scale. I didn't get the bluetooth version because I like the 'weightless' feature and wanted that. It's not available with the bluetooth version, so I have to use my phone to take photos/sync it with the application. I'm fine with that though as it saved me $40 (half) for all the features the bluetooth (minus bluetooth obviously) plus the weigthtless option. The one I have also doesn't have BMI, but I can easily figure that out on my own, if/when I want to know it. =) It's been quite accurate (compared to my mother's scale).
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