Is it hard to maintain a weight loss without exercise

I am not on maintenance yet but I was wondering if its hard to maintain your weight without exercise as long as you make sure you don't over your maintenance calories since you will have more food to eat than calorie deficient?


  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    I'm sure you can, i'm just not sure why you would want to. Exercise has so many benefits besides more food.. it seriously keeps me happy and sane most days. I sleep better when I exercise and my body generally hurts/aches less. Our bodies were meant to move. However, i'm very lucky that I can exercise. I think you could maintain without exercise as long as you didn't go over on your calories. I think it would just be harder.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I have lost weight a zillion times. I've never kept it off until now. Difference exercise. It's non-negotiable for me. I have to do it. I really don't worry about what I eat. I do worry whether or not I've exercised at least 3-4 times a week.
  • mum2littledove
    mum2littledove Posts: 53 Member
    I would say that it is hard. I have a big appetite (hence why I got in a position to where I needed to lose weight in the first place) and a sedentary job, so I need exercise to plug that gap otherwise my goal weight is unsustainable. The critical thing is that it has to be a form of exercise that you enjoy, otherwise it's non sustainable as well. Build it into your daily routine.
  • chele1028
    chele1028 Posts: 248 Member
    I have to keep exercising, that is what ultimately helped me to lose all this weight, moving my body. I may not need to do it as much, but I have kept it up anyways except when on vacations, and even then I try to incorporate something as I can.