Starting over

I haven't been doing very well lately. I "fell off the wagon" and need to get back on. I lost more weight since I last posted and got very close to my goal weight but then I'm not sure what happened I just quit????. So I'm on here for encouragement trying to get going again. Thanks for your support and tips!


  • Sonyanw
    Sonyanw Posts: 8
    No matter how many times you fall off the wagon the important thing is that you get back up and start again. Your human! I think we all slip up and thats okay. Your back now so focus on that and getting to your goal. Good luck!! :)
  • teamike
    teamike Posts: 83 Member
    I do this about once a year, I let life get in the way, lose focus, quit working out and watching what I eat for months and gain all my weight back. I believe this time is the one. I have lost almost 25 pounds in the last 3.5 months. My goal is to be 180 pounds by Christmas. You can do it, just keep the mental image of your future self in mind.