Back from over a year away.

I'm back and looking for friends to walk alongside me on this journey. I recently (Dec. 2013) had my fourth back surgery and had the bottom three vertebrae fused. I finally have my mobility back and thus far have lost 57 pounds. I have already had to buy new clothes and donate the old ones. I am working out and have extensive knowledge from when I worked at a fitness club with an amazing trainer who was so good, the Colorado Avalanche grabbed him. I want to be in the very best shape for myself, but also my kids and whoever my future wife may be (I have a good idea who she is). My wife left me due to my medical issues and I tend to eat t self soothe. I am working really hard at not doing that, but it's hard when I get low. I have mitochondrial disease and there isn't much i the way of treatment. My doc said to try and weight train as much as I can to break down the muscle. The hope is that when the new cells form, I have a greater chance of healthy cells with healthy mitochondria. I want to do this naturally with only natural supplements. I welcome advice and support. I also offer advice and support in the areas I know and have experience with in the areas of working out and healthy eating. Been researching a lot as I am not going back to a size 44 waist!!!


  • pynchonesque
    pynchonesque Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck on your journey!

    It takes a lot of self-discipline and strength to work though illness and injury to lose weight and stay on track -- that's something to be very proud of!