Signs of a fast metabolism

I workout and run seven days a week. Eat healthy a lot of my times. Yet people tell me I have a fast metabolism and can eat anything I want. I know if I do that I will gain too much weight and be fat. Seriously why do family and friends assume that about me? Its so ****ing irritating!


  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member
    Some people just do.. I have two different exes that could eat whatever wanted and not gain any fat. I mean burger king ALL the time. They were both underweight no matter how much they ate. One of them was even deliberately trying to put on weight because he was sick of people asking he was anorexic. He also began lift weights to try to make himself look bigger. No matter what he did he simply could not put on the weight though..

    The other one didn't really try lol but he could eat whatever he wanted and not gain any weight
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    If I did the amount of cardio that you do, I'd be able to eat a lot more than I can right now. But it's no mystery why I can't: I don't put in the cardio time you do.

    While there are differences in metabolism between people, the reality is that when *most* people say that, they're basically trying to excuse away their own lack of fitness/activity. After all, it couldn't possibly be that you just burned 1200 calories of cardio so you can have that huge piece of cheesecake. Of course not! If that were the case, then *they* would have to own the fact that they *didn't* do the cardio, so they *can't* have it. They might as well be blaming it on the ancient God of Metabolism.

    The reality is that, barring an actual medical condition, we are all very much in control of our metabolism. Higher amounts of muscle mean more calories burned - even while you're sleeping. If you don't build muscle, your metabolism is going to be "low" no matter what else you do.