Looking for feedback on my food diary and nutrition tips

rh091 Posts: 100 Member
Hello, I have just recently started tracking food again. I am looking to lose about 100 lbs and have set about a 1400 net calorie goal per day to lose 2 lbs per week. I follow a plant based diet and eat only eggs and yogurt for dairy. I take a vegan multi vitamin and probiotic pill each day. I am looking for so,e feed back and constructive criticism on my food diary in the last few days as I'm working on getting the distribution of my diet between cals, protein, carbs etc on track. Note that I don't input recipes but instead individual ingredients ( ex. Stir fry has just listed what ingredients I ate, same with a vegan shepherds pie recipe, I just listed lentils, corn, kale. Etc). There's one day in there I ate dinner but didn't get it logged. Thanks! Also if you have any other nutrition tips in general would appreciate it!


  • rh091
    rh091 Posts: 100 Member
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    I'm not vegan myself but you look like your eating good. Only thing I can offer is ....MFP tends to give too many calories burned for exercises so most people only eat half. I try not to eat any unless I'm just starving. So you may want to try not eating them all back?
  • rh091
    rh091 Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks for the feedback! I have four that too and am using a fit bit tracker to calculate exercise energy burned which seems to be pretty accurate :)
  • bostonlulu
    bostonlulu Posts: 6 Member

    I have eaten vegetarian, vegan, and raw over the course of about 40 years. I'm a newbie to the community part of mfp (just tracked food and exercise) and can't figure out how to see your food diary.

    Currently, I am vegan with occasional goat cheese and eggs. Because I can only cook when I'm in the mood, I've developed a repertoire of fast and easy meals when the mood isn't there. Just took 15 minutes total to prep and make red cabbage, goat cheese, and walnut entree. I also aim to eat different colors of fruits and veggies. That's why I had red cabbage in the house. I also try to dump veggies anywhere I can -e.g. broccoli, kale, and parsley in my morning smoothie..

    Do you have any idea how much protein, carbs, and fat you should eat? I was floored a few years ago when my bariatric doctor said I needed 100 grams a day, spread over the day. I thought 60 grams was enough. It seems because I am over 60 and losing muscle in the process of aging, I needed to up the protein to minimize muscle loss. I saw that you are in your early 20's so that doesn't apply to you. Doctors don't study nutrition in med school (that may have changed) so most doctors aren't the best source of that kind of info. Nutritionists aren't covered by most insurance but it may be worthwhile to track down a good one who works with weight issues and go for 1-2 visits.

    I don't know what you want to accomplish with your breakfast smoothie. I aim for 30 grams of protein, some monounsaturated fat, and 2/3 of the ingredients being veggies. Water is the base -- not yogurt. It. took awhile to get to that proportion of veggies.

    If you let me know how to find your food diary and I will take a look. Don't hesitate to ask me questions and ask me to share my experience, favorite tips, recipes, resources, etc.

    Light and blessings,
    Boston Lulu