5'6 ladies- what is your goal weight?



  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    I'm 5'6" and I think my goal weight is 155. That's the weight I was when quite active in high school, so I'm not sure any smaller would be realistic. We'll see! I'm about 80 lbs from that so I have a ways to go to figure it out.
  • I'm currently 239 (HW of 284 this time around). My goal is 130 or 135, which might be too low. But I've seen from experience that because of my stomach, I always look a lot bigger than other women who are the same height as me. 8 or 9 years ago I got down to 199 or so, and looked a lot heavier because I carry my weight in my belly. I'd LOVE to weigh more and have plenty of muscle.
    I'm 5'7".
  • lavendah
    lavendah Posts: 126 Member
    120.I wanna be skinnayyy! Lol.I'm 142 currently,so that's another 22 pounds. But if I start looking too thin,I might stop at like 125.
  • FoogooFish
    FoogooFish Posts: 54 Member
    My goal weight is 130, but I'm going to strive for 125 since that's the lower end of my healthy range. I was happy at 140, though, so I'll reassess things when I get to that weight! =)

    Height: 5'6"
    SW: 174 lbs.
    CW: 162 lbs.
    GW: 130 lbs.
  • Nice! I'm at 127 right now and I am not sure if I will go down to 125 or further. I had a plate around 133 to 130 and now that I broke the plateau I dropped 3 lbs in a week
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    SW 198

    I may change my goal once I get there. Right now I want to go from obese to normal bmi
  • tinygirldancing
    tinygirldancing Posts: 12 Member
    Just under 5'7"
    SW: 145
    CW: 125
    GW: 118
  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member

    SW: 91 kg (200lbs)
    CW: 79 kg (174lbs)
    GW: 63,5 kg (140lbs)

    My first goal is to get to 70kg (155lbs) though, after that we'll see how it goes.
  • Carolw12
    Carolw12 Posts: 36 Member
    I would love to be 130 lbs. I'm a long way from that...lol
  • 160
  • myrtille87
    myrtille87 Posts: 122 Member
    SW - 165 (a few lbs overweight)
    CW - 152 (high end of a healthy BMI)
    GW - 140 (near the middle of healthy BMI) OR 20% body fat (which should be about 144lbs).

    I have always been fairly muscular so carry a fair bit of weight in terms of muscle on arms and legs, plus I have large boobs. So 125 (the lowest weight that is healthy at this height) would be too low for me.

    Last time I went down to around 145 I was told I looked too thin and ill, but I think this was due to the reasons I lost weight (stress, working 2 jobs whilst studying, not having time to eat) rather than because that weight is actually too low for me.
  • Docbanana2002
    Docbanana2002 Posts: 357 Member
    Started: 250 (size 22W)
    Current: 175 (size 12)
    Goal: 150 (size 8 or 10?)

    My goal is based on the fact this will put me in the upper range of the normal BMI. I might go lower eventually, but I actually like the way I look and feel right now, so I doubt I will go much lower. I have a larger frame and tend to carry my extra weight in a way that is spread out over my body but mostly concentrated in chest and hips/butt with a relatively smaller waist/belly. So it is a "curvy" appearance that I don't want to lose.
  • schle009
    schle009 Posts: 63 Member
    5'6-5'7ish and GW is 160. CW is 167. SW was 200. According to my doctor and other people (probably just trying to make me feel better!), 160 is as low as I should go because otherwise I will "look like I came from Ethiopia." My frame is bigger, as is the rest of my family's, and my boobs are kinda big too.
  • 5'5.5" and my goal is between 115-125. I get so jealous of you ladies who can weigh 150+lbs and be a size 6. I weigh 147lbs and I teeter between a 10 and a 12.

    I started at 187lbs but didn't start MFP until I hit a plateau at 170lbs.

    This winter I am looking forward to strength training. At 147 my body fat % is still really high, like 30% high. I'd like to get it to 20%. I've had 3 kids so lots of opportunity to gain fat when I would gain 80+lbs with each pregnancy. I always lost it but still a lot of fat and no muscle.
  • AlessisMore
    AlessisMore Posts: 179 Member
    5'6" exactly. Would like to be ~150. The last 15 pounds just don't want to leave!
  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    Sw: 318
    Gw: 220
  • Hipp706
    Hipp706 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 5'6, well slightly under that I think. I'm currently weighing in at 158 but feel far too big to stop yet. I'd love to get down to between 126 & 133 but I'd like to tone up as my main priority once I'm under 140.
  • Im 5'6 and 1/3(was 5'7 lol) anyway. my goal weight is back to what I was after I had my first born which is about 140.I dont look or feel good any thinner. But I would be happy with 150.The most I ever weighed was 209 and that was 25 months ago. Im back up to 193(was 176 8 months ago)
  • AllTheNoms
    AllTheNoms Posts: 135 Member
    I'm shooting for 128 which was a former weight that I was very comfortable with
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    I'm 5'6" with a GW of 130