Your BIG Reward



  • markiend
    markiend Posts: 461 Member
    8 days in the alps , by train with rail card to travel anywhere for those 8 days

    that was for giving up smoking for a year... 3 months to go

    weight is under control , fat is being replaced slowly but surely

    rewards are a great way to help motivate .. some will need more help than others
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I've thought about this for a long time now. I am getting very close to my goal. I planned to buy a VERY nice jacket or coat for this Fall & Winter, since I have been "making do" with thrifted jackets and 1 sporty coat for the past 2 years. But now I keep finding really cute jackets on clearance, better than the ones in the I don't know if I'll do that.

    I have used my weight loss as an "excuse" to buy a lot of new clothes for myself and continue to do so...I find that really rewarding and get excited about dressing for occasions and even normal workdays. That's my biggest reward.

    When I hit 199 lb I treated myself to my biggest "official" reward of all new makeup and a counter top organizer for it. I have really enjoyed that reward.
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    I'm not sure. I do try to set up small rewards that are pure pleasures that I don't normally buy for myself like magazines, a new purse, or fancy imported teas, but as far as a big reward...I guess I'd like to set some money aside for skin removal. Though it seems difficult because money is always tight anyways (student loans, credit cards, Down Payment on a house) that I'm not sure how I'd manage to save it up. As a smaller reward, I'm going to get a tattoo of this icon I made and look at as a reminder. It's an arrow point down and an arrow pointing up (eat less, move more) with 170 in the middle (the amount of weight to lose to get at my goal). It's been a visual reminder and mantra of what I need to do and I think it'd be a good reminder after I lose the weight of how far I've come...but for now I'm just trying to focus on continuing to lose the weight.

    When I get under 200lbs, I'm getting a Hieronymus Bosch-inspired tattoo on my the back of my shoulder created by my artist friend. I was supposed to get it after I got my MFA to represent the novel I wrote as part of my thesis, but then I was gaining too much weight and I held off. I'm also going to enroll in some sort of personal training or aerobics instructor training. It'll be an extra source of income and help me continue to lose weight. Hey, maybe that's how I can pay for the skin removal.