How to eat well on the weekends?

I am pretty good at staying under my calories and doing exercise during the week. But from Friday night to Sunday night, I find it really hard to stay healthy. Any advice? I worry it will undo my good work during the week


  • Starlightstiel
    Starlightstiel Posts: 11 Member
    I normally allow myself one meal during the weekend where I don't count calories. I try not to go too overboard, but if I've been craving something all week then I let myself enjoy it on the weekend. It has worked really well for me so far, and gets rid of the craving for it.

    Make sure not to do that the entire weekend though, and try to make it just one meal instead of a whole day. But I've lost 30+ pounds letting myself do this so I can say that it definitely works!
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Plan ahead of time by logging your food ahead of time and leave some calories for snacks and/or booze. Another option is to balance your calories by the week instead of the day. This way you could eat more on the weekend and less during the week but still not blow your calories budget.
  • sshintaku
    sshintaku Posts: 228 Member
    I make sure to workout more/do things that are more active, and then just have ONE bad thing a day instead of all the bad things. If I know I'm going to have wine, I go light on dinner. If I'm going out to brunch, I have a smoothie for dinner. This typically keeps me within my calorie goals while still allowing me to go out.