Hey, everybody! New to MFP -- 1 day in!

Hi everyone. I am a 36-year-old work-from-home gal with 67 pounds to lose, and after only one day on MFP, I absolutely adore this site. The tracking tools are great, both at my desk and on my handy Android, and the message boards here are filled with great folks who are working hard on their goals--love it!

I'm what you might say an "emotional eater," though if you ask me, there's a physical component to it as well. I've tracked pretty well today, but feel a creeping physical-borne anxiety and brain fogginess (I feel kind of dumb, like my I.Q. went down by about 15 points! ...Is that a dopamine thing?) without taking in all of the fat and sugar I usually do. I'm just going to make some calorie-free peppermint tea and hang on for dear life through this initial sugar-fat-salt withdrawal phase, because I know it will be much better in a few days. Until then, I'm going to baby myself and not take on anything too mentally demanding.

In any case, I wanted to introduce myself. If anyone wants to connect for accountability or emotional eating chat (I could write a book, as I'm sure so could some other folks), I'm all for it.



  • doowoper
    Welcome to MFP. I tried MFP before but failed. So I'm back. I realize what I lacked was the mindset and determination to lose weight . So now I follow two rules that have helped me to stay the course. I eat nothing unless I know the calories and I complete my log every day on MFP. So stay focused on your goal., I"m sure you will have success.:happy:
    CCMLA Posts: 19
    Thanks, doowoper! Great advice. I will try to do the same. Best of luck on your plan, too!
  • andeeinevansville
    Hi and Welcome...I absolutely love this site..I don't think I could lose the weight without the tools and all the support from my friends on here..Feel free to friend me and we can support each on our weight loss journey~~Andee
  • rozsbluejay
    rozsbluejay Posts: 303 Member
    Hi and Welcome...I absolutely love this site..I don't think I could lose the weight without the tools and all the support from my friends on here..Feel free to friend me and we can support each on our weight loss journey~~Andee

    I love this site too....Yeah I love the support....feel free to add me if you want to give each other support.
  • rozsbluejay
    rozsbluejay Posts: 303 Member
    I too was an emotional eater, but I had to overcome a lot of depression issues.

    But a tip for you is what I did...when you find yourself reaching for food for comfort..remind you self like this "I am better than what I eat." Fresh air also helps you with emotions, get out and take a walk. Don't consider it as exercise, just relax and its two birds with one stone. Look at the primary part of it: relax first, you are better than what you eat, and walking is something. :smile:

    Hope I helped.