Anyone able to review Chalean Johnson's PiYo ?

Don't want to have another DVD collecting dust ! I've heard you don't burn a lot of calories.


  • CarolAH1957
    CarolAH1957 Posts: 2 Member
    My daughter is using this & says she can see difference in her tone in just 2 weeks. She's already been through Jillian Micheals and lost 30lbs. Now she's just trying to tone up.
  • Depends on what your goals are! I am on week 6 of PiYo and absolutely love it. I noticed definition in my abs at week 2-3. I can also tell how much stronger my whole body is. I hike a lot and Ive noticed that everything just seems a little bit easier! There are like 11 DVDs in the program and some are more cardio than others, like Sweat, Drench and Strength Intervals.

    I have nothing but good things to say about this program. If you have any questions, message me! Hope this helps!
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    I got bored with it so it started to feel like a chore. I do think there is benefit from the workout though but it's not my style. I prefer fast paced cardio and weight training
  • 123Allyxox
    123Allyxox Posts: 112 Member
    I LOVE it!!! I am just starting week two and I'm already seeing results.

    But I like yoga and pilates more than other kinds of exercises, I'm a SAHM and I don't really like working out in the gym or around other people in general so I feel like its the perfect program for me.