getting fit

Hello MFP,
I hope you guys are doing well. I wanted to know if anybody knew any heart pumping exercises. I run but I get so bored, maybe you guys know different running tricks or speeds to keep it interesting and burn more calories. Also is weight lifting effective for losing weight? Any tips on any exercise will be surely thanked :)


  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Wear headphones. Play good music. Wait until no one is around and interrupt your run with some impromptu dancing. Or sprint as crazy fast as you can down the street. Which I swear freaks some people out more than catching you dancing. They tend to look over your shoulder as you pass like they're afraid something is chasing you. Always entertaining.

    Then of course there is changing scenery if you can get to some hiking trails or something nearby.
  • emburr
    emburr Posts: 2 Member
    Weightlifting will build muscle, which will help burn more do the weightlifting! Also, if you're in the gym, any of the other pieces of equipment will be a nice change up, but the rowing machine is a really great way to burn a lot of calories. If you are just doing your cardio at home, then try doing some Hiit cardio. You can find a lot of bitt workouts on pinterest. hope this helps.
  • js8181
    js8181 Posts: 178 Member
    Cycling (outside, for real!) is my favorite form of exercise. You may want to go longer, since it's easy to slack and coast after a big uphill, lol, but as an alternate it's more fun than running (at least in my opinion).
  • Thank you guys, will do. Lol dancing, I have to see if I have the courage for that.