Starting over from starting over

My oh my- the weight game is a dirty one to play. A little over year ago, i was at the gym regularly, adhering well to Atkins eating plan and had lost close to 28 lbs. fast forward to Aught of this year- heaviest I've been in my life. I stopped going to the gym, ate horrible and large quantities of horrible. I began Atkins induction and had lost 8 lbs by last Monday. I was crushing hydration and felt my body just finally start to feel better. Less belly aches, no bloating, etc. 3 days of company catered meetings, a baseball game and birthday party- i don't even want to get onto the scale tomorrow for my Monday weigh in. The hardest part of trying to get in shape is willpower and opportunity to have the willpower. How do you not eat acarb laden lunch when it's all you have offered? Sabotage! So- tomorrow, I begin again. Strict food logging. Strict adherence to appropriate induction friendly foods. 'Murica has turn a once healthy fit body into a slob and I cannot get back to where I didn't like bread, pasta and junk food again. Wedding is in 90 days. The dress fit PERFECTLY 30 lbs ago. I have to do this. I just can't summon the strength. I'm unbelievably frustrated.


  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    The problem you're having is the "diet" you're on. First of all eliminate the word "diet" from your vocabulary. Secondly your body requires carbs, and by eliminating them from your calorie intake, while bulking up on protein, is the cause of you getting fatter, and or going on carb binges. The Atkins diet is very well known for quick weight loss. The problem is, when you eat a piece of bread you gain all the weight back twice as fast as you lost it, plus some.

    Long term weight loss is calories in versus calories out. A calorie is a calorie regardless if it comes from carrots or cookies, protein, fat or carbs.

    You eat a balanced food group, you just eat less. AKA portion control. Eat less, move more. Now no one has figured out how to sell that concept yet, but it is really the only thing that works. Two pieces of bread turns into one, and a piece of cake turns into a sliver. In this way your body is not craving anything, and you lose weight.

    Good luck to you, and hopefully you'll make the change that is a permanent weight loss plan, leading to a happier, healthier you.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I lost 60 or 70 pounds on low carb. Then I reached my original goal. I stopped doing low carb and I didn't gain all the weight back from a piece of bread. I did gain and lose the same 20 pounds a few times over the space of a very unplanned maintenance year after I quit eating low carb, quit working out as much, and tried various other forms of weight loss. Then I got a handle on that and I'm at an even lower weight than my original goal.

    You don't need carbs to live. Your body can make them. However it's true some people feel horrid on low carb. And just about everyone does the first couple of weeks. Sometimes longer.

    I have zero interest in promoting low carb diets. I'm a freshly minted vegan. But I still can't stand to see false information spread around. It's a perfectly good diet for some people and has worked for OP in the past.

    Good luck, OP. 30 pounds in 90 days won't be easy, you'll definitely need to work hard!