Let myself go!

So I have let myself go over the last three weeks, went on vacation, didn't exercise, didn't count calories. I knew I'd face an uphill battle coming back, but I didn't expect 10 pounds! How did I possibly gain ten pounds in 3 weeks? But it's not just water weight, as I measured my belly and have gained a couple inches there, too. Plus, I can just see from my shape (again, as a guy, it's mainly around my gut...). I have a hard time not just feeling ashamed of myself, even though it's a relatively small amount. But I just think I look like a flabby gross slug. My wife thinks I'm crazy for obsessing over this. She is slim, but over the last few years has come to decent terms with the typical slight weight gain that comes with your early thirties. I love her, too, and don't want her to lose a pound. I just wish I could feel about myself the way she does (about herself, about me).

front unflexed today

front unflexed one month ago

side unflexed today

side unflexed one month ago


  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Can't see any definite difference, but you live in that body, so you ought to know. Ten pounds in three weeks? I could double that without trying and I bet I'm not the only one. You got off light. Pun intended.

    Now you just have to spend a few weeks dropping it again. If you're lucky three or four pounds is just water weight and will be gone in a matter of days.
  • Maisylouise22
    Maisylouise22 Posts: 3 Member
    WOW..! I could have written this! As of today I'm up 6lbs for the exact same reason you've described - vacation from 3 weeks ago started it for me as well:( I told myself that tomorrow I'm back onto MFP with all I've got. It's a slippery slope for me. I lost 35 lbs this past year and I don't see myself obsessing, but boy do I see it coming if I don't nip this quickly! It's math , not magic. Let's both turn this around ! Good luck!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You still look good. But yeah, cut a little if it makes you feel better. Definitely exercise! At least you are aware of it and didn't wait until you had gained 20 pounds!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I don't see a lot of difference in the pictures either. Figure half of that is water retention, so really 5 pounds. In the scheme of things, its really not a big deal. You will start exercising again and all will be good. Hope you had a wonderful vacation!
  • js8181
    js8181 Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement everybody! :-)