I need to give up coke cole

I really need help giving up coke, every time I try I fail and it is such so bad for me in so many ways :(
A buddy or some help would be amazing!


  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    I know that feeling. I used to be addicted to coke. I'd drink over half a 2 liter bottle a day. That's one of the big reasons I got so damn fat.

    Just try drinking less and less each day. Eventually it'll become more manageable. These days I usually only have it once a week, and only about 8-12oz.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    I've never had a problem drink coke or any sodas. I don't have a problem with any drinks. However i like my coffee though its not a problem. I make a tentative suggestions hat you take up coffee drinking. Its not that bad for you unless you drink a real lot.

    Coffee might help with caffeine withdrawals if you are having those.
    Also do not depend solely on coffee. Drink plain water also. I think one of the problems with water drinking is that people try to drink it when its very cold. Drink it at room temperatures then you can just guzzle a whole glass all at once. Do this first thing in the morning and with ever meal at the very least. Preferably before you start.

    if you can tackle the headaches and the thirst you will be streets ahead.
    Another thing that may or may not cause headaches when quitting coke is headaches from electrolyte imbalance so if you are experiencing headaches, also try to increase your salt take a little. You will know if a headache is due to electrolyte imbalance and related dehydration because it passes very quickly once you increase your salt and water. You can drink a salty broth from something like marmite or a stock cube for this or a cup of miso soup. One a day should be adequate.

    Then there's all the calories you are used to consuming. You will now need to replace some of these with food. Try a piece of fruit when you want a snack.
    Avoid salty and processed snacks. Avoid processed sugar foods.
    Fruit, cheese 30g , sandwich with whole grain bread - these make decent snack foods.

    Also if you are drinking coffee with milk you may find the calories from the coffee will help too.
  • meganleighhh
    meganleighhh Posts: 14 Member
    My advice would be to not allow yourself a coke all day until you drink a bottle of water, maybe a 32 ounce water or more-- Thats what i had to do to for myself and i haven't had a coke in 6 days. I did have the caffeine headaches, so i would drink some tea or just when a headache would be coming on I would take an Excedrine because they have caffeine. Def helped me stop my BAD habit.
  • KASmith629
    KASmith629 Posts: 1 Member
    Boy, can I sympathize!! Soda and especially Coke, was my downfall. I found that I had to give it up cold turkey or it was a quick backslide from "just one" to 2 or 3. The first week or so was awful! More the habit, than any physical cravings. I was used to my glass (or glasses) or soda in the evening.

    I guzzle water during the day (which I will never love) and add some flavor drops and lots of ice to my evening drink. We started drinking smoothies a few months ago and since I have one after dinner, the sweet craving is gone.

    I still look longingly down the soda aisle at the grocery store... and I allow myself soda once in a while if I'm out to dinner but I don't buy it anymore so the temptation is reduced. Best of luck to you!!:wink:
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    I was going through an 8-ball/week.

    Finally I just switched to heroin.
  • alydanbeads
    alydanbeads Posts: 120 Member
    I used to have at least 4 cans of pop per day. I finally decided that pop was doing absolutely nothing for my body and that it wasn't worth it. I gave up pop cold turkey nearly 2 years ago and haven't had any since. I also know that pop is an addiction for me and that it's not possible for me to just have one once in awhile. If I have one, I'll have 4. I know my weakness and I just avoid it.

    Try reminding yourself that pop has absolutely no health benefits at all. NONE. It's just sugar (high fructose corn syrup), artificial flavorings and coloring.
  • lwb258
    lwb258 Posts: 7 Member
    I am doing the same thing. I haven't had a Coke Cola since August 7. I have only had water. I don't seem to be craving as much food as before.
    I work with a girl that gave up coke June 6,2014, she has lost 14 pounds. She looks great. I hope I can continue doing without it too.
    Good luck to you!!
    We can encourage each other.
  • alydanbeads
    alydanbeads Posts: 120 Member
    Oh... and iced tea is another good replacement on occasion especially if you do decaf.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    How is Coke bad for you? If it's making you go over your calories, try replacing it with a diet version and then transitioning to water. Worked for me. However, if I really want a Coke and I have the calories, I don't make life unnecessarily hard and deny myself a treat.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    How is Coke bad for you? If it's making you go over your calories, try replacing it with a diet version and then transitioning to water. Worked for me. However, if I really want a Coke and I have the calories, I don't make life unnecessarily hard and deny myself a treat.

    Yeah, this. I am the same way with beer. I constantly think, I should stop drinking this because it's making me fat. Just do it in moderation and make sure it fits into your calories. I also understand if you're an all-or-nothing kind of person, in which case, just quit cold turkey. I feel like weaning yourself off of anything or replacing with something else just prolongs it and makes you more likely to splurge on coke one day. Once I've gotten myself into the mindset that I truly cannot touch something ever again (like cigarettes or your mom), I am much less likely to back slide.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    OP, watch some videos on people using Coca Cola to clean various things and you may rethink you're love for it. Good luck.
  • lillyrose2020
    lillyrose2020 Posts: 178 Member
    This is a genuiine addiction that so many people don't even realise! I used to be a complete coke-a-cola addict! I loved it so much. I would drink several cans a day, if I bought a big family size bottle it would be gone in one afternoon.
    I decided to stop for several reasons; awful insomnia, hyper activity followed by extreme sugar lows, stained teeth just to name a few.
    I also would not recommend switching to low calorie/diet brands as these are often packed with other harmful additives and sweeteners. Fizzy water is okay as it at least offers the bubbles, but it will never taste any good, You must be strong!
    I pretty much went cold turkey when I realised how much I craved it every day, I needed it in my life and it was pathetic. The first two weeks were the hardest, head-aches, dizziness and irritability were the only side affects I experiences. I really do liken giving up this drink to giving up cigarettes, coke is so so so addictive. There have been experiments where a tooth is left in a glass of coke overnight and by the morning the tooth has completely eroded, this stuff rots your teeth!
    Any product that has a 'secret ingredient' cannot be trusted, remember back in the day that secret ingredient used to be cocaine!
    I have not drunk a single drop of coke for 5 years. I sometimes dream that I drink it and wake up panicing and guilt ridden!
  • alydanbeads
    alydanbeads Posts: 120 Member
    How is Coke bad for you? If it's making you go over your calories, try replacing it with a diet version and then transitioning to water. Worked for me. However, if I really want a Coke and I have the calories, I don't make life unnecessarily hard and deny myself a treat.

    How is it bad for you? Really?

  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    How is Coke bad for you? If it's making you go over your calories, try replacing it with a diet version and then transitioning to water. Worked for me. However, if I really want a Coke and I have the calories, I don't make life unnecessarily hard and deny myself a treat.

    How is it bad for you? Really?


    You gave me articles from ehow, askipedia, and cnn? Scientific evidence, that is not.
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    Used to drink a coke a day. Stopped drinking it but now I crave it from time to time. Switched to Coke Zero, or I pick up Zevia from Sobey's (natural soda). You could also try carbonated water mixed with some type of Mio. Does the trick for me!
  • catbyrd
    catbyrd Posts: 87 Member
    Hi, I am working on lowering my pepsi intake. I was up to 6 cans a day and am now down to 3, sometimes 4. It is hard, but you need to do it a bit at a time. I cant drink diet soda because artificial sweeteners give me migraines. I try to replace a soda with tea and make my tea at home half regular/half decaf and for variety add one flavored tea bag.

    Good luck. Feel free to add me if you need the extra support:smile: