going to bed hungry



  • Mrbackslap
    It doesn't matter the time you eat or what you eat, all that matters is the calories you take in ultimately.
    I eat very late but its part of my daily calories for the day. There are times I'll even eat before I go to bed if I'm really low on my calories. Still losing weight regardless.

    If anything space out more your meals so you wont be to hungry at night.
    Weight gain is a gradual thing so is weight loss so dont worry about it too much.
  • Lizzybluts
    Lizzybluts Posts: 18 Member
    Well said Rymatt's mom! We need to learn how our body communicates what it needs to us. If you are hungry, and you can tell if it is true hunger or "mouth hunger" when you want to eat just to eat, it's important not to ignore those signals.

    I don't think naturally thin people ignore the growlings of their stomach and don't eat. Like you said, eat a bowl of cereal and enjoy it.

    BTW your little boys are so cute! What a beautiful family you have.